Ok, I’m not going to do this for another four years. Ready? Are you paying attention? HAPPY LEAP DAY! Well, the surf has finally cleaned up and there were some nice shoulders out there with the fading steep NW swell. Surf varied in size from N to S…with chest/shoulder high surf down south and knee/waist high surf. We should see things picking up ever so slightly tomorrow with some NW new groundswell in the mix with lingering old wind swell. Look for Thursday surf in the waist/chest range with shoulder high sets with a bit of variation form N to S again due to the steepness of the swell. We’ll see a bit more surf Friday with surf bumping up into the chest/shoulder range as that NW groundswell peaks early early Friday morning. Surf will taper off quickly through the day so we’ll be back down to waist/chest by the evening sessions. Saturday is looking like more fading swell with clean waist/chest high surf to start the day and getting smaller for Sunday...hmmmmm, knee/waist at best. Of course, Monday the surf will pick up with some small S swell with some new NW kicking in Tues and into Wed. Surf will pick up but we’ll have to see how that storm pans out. The Jet Stream is sending storms waaaaaaaaay north and not letting them stew in our swell window. Time will tell!
Looks like we’re heading into a really nice weather window with some significant warming due to a high pressure system kicking some Santa Anas our way. Yeehaw! That being said we have to endure one more day of cloudy skies and potential showers tonight and early tomorrow morning. West winds blowing tonight and into tomorrow morning so I’m not expecting great dawn patrol conditions. Friday will see clear but cold skies in the low 60s but Saturday we’ll be looking at clear sunny skies, NE winds, and air temps in the high 60s along the coast. Things get warmer for Sunday with beach weather in the mid/high-70s. Temps cool a bit Monday and then plummet back into the low 60s Tuesday and the clouds come back. No fear…looks like sunshine for next weekend too! Water is still chilly and in the mid to high 50s. Water quality is still potentially an issue too so be smart and…come on…everyone together now…DON’T SURF IN POO! Tides are still fairly mellow through the day with little movement midday as the extremes are over night. We’ll start to see more water movement through the weekend as we approach the full moon.
That’s it for this forecast. Looks like some fun clean surf to end the week!
I’m out!
Ocean Notes:
1) We’ll kick off March with a paired beer dinner by candlelight at one of the coolest, hippest, foodie joints in town, Sea Rocket Bistro. They sell locally grown food and only serve sustainably fished seafood. Tomorrow, Thursday March 1st, they have this knock out dinner with archived beer from Stone Brew. You just have to check it out the menu for yourself…made me drool! http://www.searocketbistro.com/news/stone-ages-blackout-dinner-march-1st
2) Then next week we have with a night out at the Belly Up to support the San Diego Coast Keeper. Tickets are only $10…TEN BUCKS PEOPLE! What else can you do for TEN BUCKS? Shoot, you can barely go see a movie (not including popcorn and a drink) for $10! This is a whole night of rockin’ music for a good cause! Do you see junk on your beach? No? Well, you can partially thank Coast Keeper for that…go to the BUT on Wednesday the 7th and rock out! Oh, and you might just win a sweet Gary Linden surfboard while you’re there! http://www.bellyup.com/show/detail/56050
3) Now here’s a guy who’s been surfing longer than a lot of us and also manages a pretty slick day job. He doesn’t have a cell phone (last time I heard anyway) and recycles his clothes at his store…yes, his store…Patagonia. Some sage words from Mr. Chouinard himself. http://www.surfermag.com/features/unconventional-wisdom/ And while you’re in the mood why not take the Patagonia pledge…reduce, reuse, repair and recycle your clothes. They’ll help. http://www.patagonia.com/us/common-threads/repair
4) And here’s a cool bit of technical surf porn…via GoPro and Rip Curl. I think we’re going to see a lot more of this sort of technology in the next few years…cutting edge stuff YO! http://www.surfline.com/surf-news/freezing-the-moment----rip-curl-in-fiji_67191/
5) Ok, ending with some mega surf porn via Lance’s Right. Who else is gonna book a ticket to some place tropical after watching this? http://www.surfline.com/surf-news/spot-check-lances-right_67314/
Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with February 29, 2012.
Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon
/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible
W 29 High 1:17 AM 4.0 6:17 AM Set 12:13 AM 38
29 Low 9:28 AM 1.3 5:46 PM Rise 10:36 AM
Th 1 High 2:45 AM 4.0 6:16 AM Set 1:05 AM 48
1 Low 10:59 AM 0.9 5:47 PM Rise 11:25 AM
1 High 6:49 PM 2.8
1 Low 9:37 PM 2.7
F 2 High 4:10 AM 4.2 6:15 AM Set 1:55 AM 57
2 Low 11:50 AM 0.5 5:47 PM Rise 12:18 PM
2 High 6:50 PM 3.1
2 Low 11:00 PM 2.4
Sa 3 High 5:12 AM 4.6 6:14 AM Set 2:41 AM 67
3 Low 12:26 PM 0.0 5:48 PM Rise 1:15 PM
3 High 7:05 PM 3.4
3 Low 11:53 PM 2.0
Su 4 High 6:01 AM 5.0 6:12 AM Set 3:25 AM 76
4 Low 12:57 PM -0.4 5:49 PM Rise 2:16 PM
4 High 7:25 PM 3.8
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