Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Steep SSE will mostly miss us. :-(

Greetings fellow surfers!  Weeeeeeeeeeeeeell, it looks like we’re not getting anything from what was Hurricane Daniel and we’ll probably just get a smidge of very steep (SSE) south from Hurricane Emilia starting tomorrow.  I guess a "smidge" is better than nothing.  Thursday looks for some waist high surf mostly at the super south facing summer spots with the super rare chest high set in the uppermost N. County and north.  Surf probably won’t get much bigger than that if we even see that much.  Most other beaches will be looking at more knee high angle slappers.  Friday the hurricane swell peaks with waist+ at the best (and only the best) summer spots.  This swell is super steep!  LA should see some shoulder/HH surf up at the Bu but the rest of us will just have to hear about it.  The weekend tapers off to knee/waist for Saturday and knee high Sunday.  Looks like some activity down off South America.  Models have this storm moving a week bit more in the northerly direction before disappearing so we might see more steep swell by Monday/Tuesday.  Again, that’s a pretty steep angle for SD so overall I think things are looking kind of quiet for the first part of the week.  Minor activity stirring in the rest of the Southern Hemi so we’ll just keep our fingers crossed that something kicks up some surf for us up here.

We’ve having a little heat wave this week but luckily we also have some nice cool marine layer at night.  The air is getting pretty thick tomorrow as some southerly air moves up and the humidity increases.  Patchy fog gives way to more sunshine on both Thurs and Fri with a chance of thunderstorms Thurs night and Fri.  Pretty much the same story thru the weekend with a wee bit of cooling from the high 70s to the low 70s along the coast by Sunday.  Clear skies for next week!  Water temps cooled a little in N. County but now the southern end of SD is seeing the warmer temps.  Mid to upper 60s all over with very light tidal movement through the daylight hours.

Time to head north or bust out a BIG LOG (or SUP)…got for a paddle…

Stay wet San Diego!

Ocean notes:

1)     Here’s something new, green and surfable!  The newest Libtech board…new foam recipes, 100percent recycling of the trimmed off material, secret eco-ingredients, and rubberized metallic fibers in the rails…WHAT IS THIS THING?  I dunno…click here to find out!  If anyone’s ridden one I’d love to hear a review!

2)     This has absolutely NOTHING to do with surfing except that it’s sponsored by DC Shoes.   It’s Gymkhana FIVE: Ultimate Urban Playground San Francisco.  If you thought you were a slick driver you ain’t nothing compared to this guy.  You have to see this…10,000,000 other already have!

3)     I know how to get you to click on a video link…just type “Mentawai barrels”.

4)     And for all of you reading this on your iPhone or Android here’s a link for you… Surf apps! There are some good ones too!  I already have a couple of them on my smart-a$$ phone.  If only I were as smart as my phone!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with July 12, 2012.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
Th  12      Low  12:00 AM     1.5   5:50 AM    Rise 12:50 AM      42
    12     High   6:02 AM     2.9   7:59 PM     Set  2:41 PM
    12      Low  10:28 AM     2.3
    12     High   5:25 PM     4.9
F   13      Low   1:00 AM     1.0   5:51 AM    Rise  1:27 AM      33
    13     High   7:28 AM     2.9   7:59 PM     Set  3:35 PM
    13      Low  11:31 AM     2.4
    13     High   6:14 PM     5.1
Sa  14      Low   1:43 AM     0.6   5:51 AM    Rise  2:07 AM      24
    14     High   8:17 AM     3.2   7:58 PM     Set  4:27 PM
    14      Low  12:26 PM     2.5
    14     High   6:57 PM     5.3
Su  15      Low   2:17 AM     0.2   5:52 AM    Rise  2:52 AM      17
    15     High   8:51 AM     3.4   7:58 PM     Set  5:18 PM
    15      Low   1:13 PM     2.4
    15     High   7:36 PM     5.6
M   16      Low   2:48 AM    -0.2   5:53 AM    Rise  3:41 AM      10
    16     High   9:19 AM     3.6   7:58 PM     Set  6:06 PM
    16      Low   1:54 PM     2.2
    16     High   8:12 PM     5.8

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