Monday, December 31, 2012

Ringing in 2013 with great surf!

Happy New Years Eve all…already NYs for some on the East Coast.  We’re looking at a nice day of swell for the Socal coastline.  A new NW will be picking up on NY Day starting with extremely cold waist/chest high surf for the Polar Bear/Dawn Patrol sessions and picking up through the day.  We should see some decent shoulder/HH surf by evening and slightly bigger as things pick up even more through Wednesday.  Look for shoulder/HH Wed morning with HH/OH sets by evening as the swell peaks. Best winter spots will see a bit more size overall as there’s a bit more north in this swell than the last one.  Still plenty of swell for Thurs morning but the swell will fade quickly through the day. Start with the HH/slightly OH stuff and then back down to waist/chest by evening.  A secondary WNW will fill in Friday to bump swell back into the chest/shoulder range and this one will show at more beaches with a bit more west in it.  The weekend looks smaller as that WNW fades…waist/chest Sat and then waist high with occasional chest for the first half of Sun. The good new is that Monday a whole new swath of smaller NWs start to fill in.  Surf jumps Sunday evening and overnight into the chest/shoulder range with potentially HH/OH waves by midmorning.  I’ll keep my eye on this set of NW groundswells that seem to be running back to back and let you know how next week looks.

The BIG CHILL is on this week with some darn cold nighttime temps in the high 30s/low40s greeting the Dawn Patrollers.  Things warm up ever so slowly with sunny clear cool skies and air temps in the low 60s earlier in the week and mid/high 60s for the second half of the week.  Pretty gorgeous all week if you can get past the icy cold morning conditions.  The water temps have dropped a degree or two but it’s not to bad compared to the cooler air temps these days.  We’re also looking at some E/NE breezes in the evening/nighttime (hence the chilly air temps and clear skies) and light west breeze in the afternoon. That basically means awesome weather all week with very little wind and clean surf conditions!  Tides will start to behave themselves after tomorrow with less extreme tides through the daylight hours.  Full high tide late morning with a pretty low tide just after sunset.

Looks like great Green Flash weather so keep your eye out on the sunset!

Have a wonderful New Year everyone.  Let it be safe, healthy and full of wonderful family and friends…and butt load of killer surf!  And don’t forget to be kind to Mother Earth!  Live Aloha and live green!

That’s it for this year!

Ocean Notes:
Closing the year with some big clean Mavs .  Nothing like surfing in 52 degree water with clean 20’ surf and your good friends.

Forces of nature sending a message...December 30, 2012

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with January 1, 2013.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
Tu   1      Low   4:41 AM     2.1   6:52 AM     Set  9:20 AM      89
     1     High  10:39 AM     4.9   4:54 PM    Rise  9:14 PM
     1      Low   5:34 PM     0.0
W    2     High  12:19 AM     4.0   6:52 AM     Set  9:54 AM      82
     2      Low   5:36 AM     2.2   4:55 PM    Rise 10:13 PM
     2     High  11:22 AM     4.3
     2      Low   6:10 PM     0.4
Th   3     High   1:05 AM     4.1   6:52 AM     Set 10:27 AM      73
     3      Low   6:49 AM     2.2   4:56 PM    Rise 11:13 PM
     3     High  12:19 PM     3.8
     3      Low   6:52 PM     0.9
F    4     High   1:58 AM     4.3   6:52 AM     Set 11:02 AM      64
     4      Low   8:21 AM     1.9   4:56 PM
     4     High   1:44 PM     3.2
     4      Low   7:44 PM     1.3
Sa   5     High   2:56 AM     4.6   6:52 AM    Rise 12:15 AM      53
     5      Low   9:53 AM     1.5   4:57 PM     Set 11:40 AM
     5     High   3:33 PM     2.9
     5      Low   8:50 PM     1.6

Friday, December 28, 2012

New WNW groundswell and rain for the weekend

Super fast forecast for Saturday and Sunday and a full forecast Sat night.  Friday’s swell is already history but we’ve got a new WNW groundswell filing in!  Buoys up north are reading 20 second period swell with some nice direction for SD County.  Some super clean conditions accompany the very chilly waist/chest high surf for Sat morning with some bigger sets on occasion but rare and at the better winter spots.  The new swell will really start to fill in later in the afternoon/evening. Unfortunately, the next storm system will as well.  Look for the infrequent new swell to deliver some chest/shoulder high surf by sunset along with some S winds and an upcoming tide.  Sunday we’re looking at some solid WNW swell filling in through the day with top spots peaking out late afternoon in the HH/OH range.  Monday (aka New Years Eve) looks like fun but I’ll fill you in on that one tomorrow.

Weather and tides will be the game changers.  Still looking at some slow high tide action for the midmorning session and a drained out minus tide midafternoon.  East winds for the morning sessions will keep things clean with hearty E winds by midday.  Gusty south winds filling in later in the day as the storm system moves down the coast and delivers showers by sunset.   Moderate west winds through the night and a chance of showers for Sun morning but lighter west winds most of the day.  COLD COLD COLD nighttime temps in the low 40s to greet the dawn patrollers.  Air temps in the high 50s during the day. Water temps in the high 50s.  It’ll feel toasty compared to the pre-dawn temperatures!

That’s it for today…a more lengthy forecast tomorrow and hopefully a pic or two!

Hope everyone had a wonderful, surf, fun, family, and friends filled holiday!

There’s more on the way!

One Ocean Note…

1)  That mackin’ swell we had last week…you had to know that there were gonna be some insane big wave pics…here’s the latest from Cortez Bank.  Fifty feet, building swell and glassin’ off…sounds like ideal conditions to me!  DUDE!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with December 29, 2012.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
Sa  29      Low   2:46 AM     2.0   6:51 AM     Set  7:32 AM      99
    29     High   8:58 AM     5.8   4:52 PM    Rise  6:24 PM
    29      Low   3:58 PM    -0.7
    29     High  10:30 PM     3.8
Su  30      Low   3:21 AM     2.0   6:51 AM     Set  8:10 AM      98
    30     High   9:29 AM     5.6   4:53 PM    Rise  7:20 PM
    30      Low   4:29 PM    -0.6
    30     High  11:04 PM     3.9
M   31      Low   3:59 AM     2.1   6:52 AM     Set  8:46 AM      94
    31     High  10:02 AM     5.2   4:53 PM    Rise  8:16 PM
    31      Low   5:00 PM    -0.3
    31     High  11:39 PM     4.0
Tu   1      Low   4:41 AM     2.1   6:52 AM     Set  9:20 AM      89
     1     High  10:39 AM     4.9   4:54 PM    Rise  9:14 PM
     1      Low   5:34 PM     0.0
W    2     High  12:19 AM     4.0   6:52 AM     Set  9:54 AM      82
     2      Low   5:36 AM     2.2   4:55 PM    Rise 10:13 PM
     2     High  11:22 AM     4.3
     2      Low   6:10 PM     0.4

Friday, December 21, 2012

Winter Solstice Swell

Ok, this is a holiday quickie cause I’m hopping on a plane and still have to pack!

We’re seeing an upswing in swell out of the NW for Friday. The swell isn’t really aimed in our direction so we’re not seeing the full force of it.  We are, however still seeing some fun waves in the chest/shoulder high range with some better sets at the south end of the county and at the better winter breaks around town.  That should last most of Friday and squeak into Sat with a few wind swelly type events for Sat and Sun.  Christmas day looks like a new WNW swell bumping surf up into the chest/shoulder range again.  That swell looks to fill in more around midday so I’m not expecting a lot of size for the early sessions.  That tapers off Wed with waist/chest high surf.  Thursday we should see the beginnings of a pretty decent NW groundswell…the first of three storms at this point that look like they should give us some fun waves on into the New Year!  Interestingly, we’re looking at a little SW swell for Thursday too so surf in the waist high range for the south facing beaches and some super inconsistent waves in the waist/chest high range for the second half of the day.  Friday looks like things will bump up more significantly with some shoulder/HH waves and even some OH sets at the stand out spots.  Weather could be a factor Thurs and Fri…we’ll have to see what the Jet Stream decides to do.  Should be plenty of waves from this swell for a few says after and then more on the way from a couple more storms that look like they’re aimed in our direction.

Partly cloudy all weekend with showers for Monday and some gusty SW winds.   Chances of showers Sat night, Sunday too but most definitely (as definite as one can get) on Sunday night and into Monday.  Daytime temps in the low/mid60s with super chilly low/mid40 nighttime temps.  Looks like some sunshine on Christmas with air temps in the low 60s before cooling down again and more showers on Thurs.  Water temps chilled a little with all that nice E/NE winds we’ve had…high 50s around most of town.  Some more moderate tidal movement with that high tide starting to affect the dawn patrol and draining out for the midday low and then back up again for a mild sunset high tide.

I’m outta here until the 27th!  I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!  Hope no one gets a lump of coal in their surf bootie!

Mele kalikimaka!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with December 22, 2012.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
Sa  22     High   4:58 AM     5.1   6:48 AM     Set  1:48 AM      66
    22      Low  12:12 PM     0.7   4:48 PM    Rise 12:59 PM
    22     High   6:23 PM     3.1
    22      Low  11:02 PM     1.9
Su  23     High   5:39 AM     5.2   6:49 AM     Set  2:42 AM      74
    23      Low  12:54 PM     0.2   4:48 PM    Rise  1:36 PM
    23     High   7:17 PM     3.3
    23      Low  11:47 PM     2.1
M   24     High   6:15 AM     5.4   6:49 AM     Set  3:36 AM      82
    24      Low   1:29 PM    -0.1   4:49 PM    Rise  2:16 PM
    24     High   7:57 PM     3.4
Tu  25      Low  12:28 AM     2.1   6:50 AM     Set  4:28 AM      89
    25     High   6:49 AM     5.6   4:49 PM    Rise  2:59 PM
    25      Low   1:59 PM    -0.4
    25     High   8:29 PM     3.5
W   26      Low   1:04 AM     2.1   6:50 AM     Set  5:19 AM      94
    26     High   7:22 AM     5.7   4:50 PM    Rise  3:46 PM
    26      Low   2:29 PM    -0.6
    26     High   8:59 PM     3.6

Monday, December 17, 2012

More rain then more swell!

Surf picking up a tad Tuesday with some new NW shorter period groundswell and some left over W swell.  Surf in the waist high range around most of town with a few standouts at the better winter spots.  Weather is gonna be a damper though as howling winds and more rain blanket the coast.  Wednesday looks like a significant bump up in size with new NW wind swell and slightly cleaner conditions most likely later in the day.  Size jumps into the shoulder/HH range, short period and peaking midday but holding some decent size for early Thursday in the chest/shoulder range.  Friday starts off in the smaller waist high range but some longer period NW groundswell will start to fill in midday. We won’t really see size pickup until Saturday morning though with some decent energy coming our way and waves in the chest/shoulder range.  The bulk of this swell is actually aimed more at the NE side if Hawaii.  They should get hit dead on by that one!  We’ll see plenty of surf through the holiday weekend in the shoulder/HH range, peaking on Monday morning.  It even looks like Santa might deliver more NW for Christmas Day…but that’s still a ways off.  For now we’ll just stick with the nice NW groundswell for the weekend and into the first part of the week.

Weather will be a big factor with showers late tonight and all day Wed.  We’ll also see some significant winds blowing all day Tues…starting out of the SW and then out of the W for the rest of the afternoon. Wed things calm down with mild to moderate winds out of the N and then E through the night as we see a little Santa Ana type weather (minus the heat).  Mostly sunny Thurs and Fri but nighttime air temps are the big news…COLD.  Low 60s by day but low 40s and high 30s for Tues and Wed night…then back into the mid40s for the rest of the week.  Those dawn patrols are gonna be downright chilly!  Bust out the booties!  Clouds are back Sat and showers are back for Sunday along with some S and W wings.  Tides are fairly moderate through the daylight hours this week with medium lows mid-morning and medium highs in the mid-afternoon.  We start to see more extremes for the weekend though.  Water quality is always a concern this time of year and we’ve had some really significant rain.  Be smart about where you surf and where the lagoon/river mouths and stormdrains are. 

My calls for surf are Thurs AM and Saturday.  Git it!

Ocean Notes:
1)       PARKP PARKO PARKO!  Pipemaster Parko we’ll call him!  Sorry Slates…2012 just wasn’t meant to be yours! More glorious Parko footage!

2)       And the Triple Crown goes to...(drum roll please)…Seabasss Zietz!  Check out the story with all the details of his victory!

3)      Still looking for that last minute green gift?  Why not get a GREEN GIFT?  Try one of these cool house plant suggestions from Treehugger!

4)      One last Earth friendly note for the holidays… How to Have a Green Holiday... take a look…one or two tips in there that might have passed you by!  

Remember, that “first flush” of rain is the worst!  Give it some time before getting back in the water!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with December 19, 2012.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
W   19     High   2:17 AM     4.4   6:47 AM    Rise 11:19 AM      36
    19      Low   8:18 AM     2.1   4:46 PM     Set 11:56 PM
    19     High   1:53 PM     3.7
    19      Low   8:15 PM     0.9
Th  20     High   3:16 AM     4.6   6:48 AM    Rise 11:52 AM      46
    20      Low   9:56 AM     1.7   4:47 PM
    20     High   3:28 PM     3.2
    20      Low   9:12 PM     1.4
F   21     High   4:11 AM     4.8   6:48 AM     Set 12:52 AM      56
    21      Low  11:16 AM     1.3   4:47 PM    Rise 12:25 PM
    21     High   5:06 PM     3.0
    21      Low  10:09 PM     1.7
Sa  22     High   4:58 AM     5.1   6:48 AM     Set  1:48 AM      66
    22      Low  12:12 PM     0.7   4:48 PM    Rise 12:59 PM
    22     High   6:23 PM     3.1
    22      Low  11:02 PM     1.9
Su  23     High   5:39 AM     5.2   6:49 AM     Set  2:42 AM      74
    23      Low  12:54 PM     0.2   4:48 PM    Rise  1:36 PM
    23     High   7:17 PM     3.3
    23      Low  11:47 PM     2.1

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Get on it Wed before the storm!

Just a quick update…get your surf on Wed…rain on the way!  A little bump up in size Wed before the low pressure system moves in and rain and wind make a mess of things.  We’re just looking at new waist high out of the NW and clean with light winds turning south in the afternoon.  Look for showers after 4pm.  Rain all night Wed with gusty south winds really picking up all night.  Rain and thunderstorms throughout the day Thursday and tapering off in the afternoon.  Winds tapering off into the afternoon as well but still blowing a little out of the S.  Still a chance of showers Thurs and then…ironically mostly sunny Friday…but cold!  More chances of showers again over the weekend.  Friday the water will be “poopafied” but there will be some new NW with a new SW filling in for the latter part of the day. Surf in the waist with the occasional chest high set at south facing beaches later in the day.  Also, BIG tide swings will really be affecting the surf with a mega high for the early morning session draining out quickly to a super negative low for the midafternoon session.  That means midday should be juuuuuuuuuuuuust about right!

More updates Thursday…if I’m not out stuck sampling stormwater all night!  (yup, it’s my job!)

Stay healthy everyone…lots of sick bugs going around!


Ocean Notes:
1)       Just gonna focus on the Billabong Pro at Pipe today…here are some clips of some of the days best waves…tooooobs! Sick barrels from Day One! Aaaaaaaaand sick barrels from Day Two!  Man the competition is FIERCE!!!


Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with December 12, 2012.

Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
W   12      Low   1:05 AM     1.6   6:43 AM    Rise  5:53 AM      3
    12     High   7:31 AM     7.0   4:44 PM     Set  4:24 PM
    12      Low   2:35 PM    -1.7
    12     High   9:00 PM     4.1
Th  13      Low   1:53 AM     1.6   6:43 AM    Rise  6:57 AM      0
    13     High   8:16 AM     7.0   4:44 PM     Set  5:30 PM
    13      Low   3:21 PM    -1.8
    13     High   9:49 PM     4.1
F   14      Low   2:42 AM     1.6   6:44 AM    Rise  7:56 AM      0
    14     High   9:03 AM     6.9   4:44 PM     Set  6:39 PM
    14      Low   4:07 PM    -1.7
    14     High  10:37 PM     4.2
Sa  15      Low   3:34 AM     1.7   6:45 AM    Rise  8:47 AM      3
    15     High   9:51 AM     6.5   4:45 PM     Set  7:47 PM
    15      Low   4:53 PM    -1.4
    15     High  11:28 PM     4.2
Su  16      Low   4:29 AM     1.8   6:45 AM    Rise  9:31 AM      9
    16     High  10:40 AM     5.9   4:45 PM     Set  8:53 PM
    16      Low   5:41 PM    -0.9

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Funky weather and swell coming up

Aloha all!  We’ve got lingering NW wind swell with a hint of background SW groundswell.  Surf mostly in the thigh to waist range with the rare bellybutton high set.  Sunday will see less of both the NW windswell and SW swell.  Monday looks to start pretty small with a small SW groundswell filling in through the second half of the day to put waves in the waist high range through Tuesday.  Late Tues and into Wednesday we’re looking at a new NW groundswell.  Not a lot of juice in this one.  The storms producing these swells just aren’t packing a punch like we want them too and the Jet Stream is carrying them out of our swell window.  Surf in the waist high range for Wed and the start of Thurs.  That swell fades through the day as we potentially have some wet weather. Then, Friday, we’re looking at some WNW windswell that will actually boost surf into the chest/shoulder high range for a day.  Saturday it looks like we may have some new WNW groundswell but again, that Jet Steam is pushing everything right up and out of our swell window.  Looks like a chance of showers next weekend too!

The near future forecast advisory is calling for dense fog throughout the county tonight and for a good part of Sunday.  Mild winds for the start of the day with strong north winds picking up Sunday night and a mild Santa Ana becoming gusty out of the NE for Monday.  That means clear skies for Mon and Tues with air temps back into the high 60s./low 70s.  Then right back where we came from with increasing clouds Wed and a chance of showers Wed night and into Thurs.  Cloudy Fri/Sat and low 60s then more showers for next Sun.  We’re also looking at some chilly nighttime temps in the high 40s.  Definitely a sign of winter eh?  Water’s actually feeling kinda nice still…low 60s around most of town.  We’re going to start seeing some pretty extreme tides this week with the new moon on Thursday night.    Pretty full early morning high tides draining out to an mid-afternoon REALLY negative low tide.

Some little fun dribblers out there with some funky warm then cold weather on the way.

Stay wet San Diego!

Ocean Notes:
1)       Just one for today…I’m pooped.  Pipemasters is ON!  8-10’…nothing huge but when the pros are on it they rock the house.  Check out Day One or watch it LIVE!  Good stuff!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with December 9, 2012.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
Su   9     High   5:20 AM     5.7   6:41 AM    Rise  2:28 AM      26
     9      Low  12:16 PM     0.1   4:43 PM     Set  1:45 PM
     9     High   6:24 PM     3.6
     9      Low  11:28 PM     1.6
M   10     High   6:03 AM     6.3   6:41 AM    Rise  3:36 AM      17
    10      Low   1:03 PM    -0.7   4:43 PM     Set  2:31 PM
    10     High   7:20 PM     3.8
Tu  11      Low  12:17 AM     1.6   6:42 AM    Rise  4:45 AM      9
    11     High   6:46 AM     6.6   4:43 PM     Set  3:24 PM
    11      Low   1:49 PM    -1.4
    11     High   8:12 PM     4.0
W   12      Low   1:05 AM     1.6   6:43 AM    Rise  5:53 AM      3
    12     High   7:31 AM     7.0   4:44 PM     Set  4:24 PM
    12      Low   2:35 PM    -1.7
    12     High   9:00 PM     4.1
Th  13      Low   1:53 AM     1.6   6:43 AM    Rise  6:57 AM      0
    13     High   8:16 AM     7.0   4:44 PM     Set  5:30 PM
    13      Low   3:21 PM    -1.8
    13     High   9:49 PM     4.1