Saturday, December 8, 2012

Funky weather and swell coming up

Aloha all!  We’ve got lingering NW wind swell with a hint of background SW groundswell.  Surf mostly in the thigh to waist range with the rare bellybutton high set.  Sunday will see less of both the NW windswell and SW swell.  Monday looks to start pretty small with a small SW groundswell filling in through the second half of the day to put waves in the waist high range through Tuesday.  Late Tues and into Wednesday we’re looking at a new NW groundswell.  Not a lot of juice in this one.  The storms producing these swells just aren’t packing a punch like we want them too and the Jet Stream is carrying them out of our swell window.  Surf in the waist high range for Wed and the start of Thurs.  That swell fades through the day as we potentially have some wet weather. Then, Friday, we’re looking at some WNW windswell that will actually boost surf into the chest/shoulder high range for a day.  Saturday it looks like we may have some new WNW groundswell but again, that Jet Steam is pushing everything right up and out of our swell window.  Looks like a chance of showers next weekend too!

The near future forecast advisory is calling for dense fog throughout the county tonight and for a good part of Sunday.  Mild winds for the start of the day with strong north winds picking up Sunday night and a mild Santa Ana becoming gusty out of the NE for Monday.  That means clear skies for Mon and Tues with air temps back into the high 60s./low 70s.  Then right back where we came from with increasing clouds Wed and a chance of showers Wed night and into Thurs.  Cloudy Fri/Sat and low 60s then more showers for next Sun.  We’re also looking at some chilly nighttime temps in the high 40s.  Definitely a sign of winter eh?  Water’s actually feeling kinda nice still…low 60s around most of town.  We’re going to start seeing some pretty extreme tides this week with the new moon on Thursday night.    Pretty full early morning high tides draining out to an mid-afternoon REALLY negative low tide.

Some little fun dribblers out there with some funky warm then cold weather on the way.

Stay wet San Diego!

Ocean Notes:
1)       Just one for today…I’m pooped.  Pipemasters is ON!  8-10’…nothing huge but when the pros are on it they rock the house.  Check out Day One or watch it LIVE!  Good stuff!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with December 9, 2012.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
Su   9     High   5:20 AM     5.7   6:41 AM    Rise  2:28 AM      26
     9      Low  12:16 PM     0.1   4:43 PM     Set  1:45 PM
     9     High   6:24 PM     3.6
     9      Low  11:28 PM     1.6
M   10     High   6:03 AM     6.3   6:41 AM    Rise  3:36 AM      17
    10      Low   1:03 PM    -0.7   4:43 PM     Set  2:31 PM
    10     High   7:20 PM     3.8
Tu  11      Low  12:17 AM     1.6   6:42 AM    Rise  4:45 AM      9
    11     High   6:46 AM     6.6   4:43 PM     Set  3:24 PM
    11      Low   1:49 PM    -1.4
    11     High   8:12 PM     4.0
W   12      Low   1:05 AM     1.6   6:43 AM    Rise  5:53 AM      3
    12     High   7:31 AM     7.0   4:44 PM     Set  4:24 PM
    12      Low   2:35 PM    -1.7
    12     High   9:00 PM     4.1
Th  13      Low   1:53 AM     1.6   6:43 AM    Rise  6:57 AM      0
    13     High   8:16 AM     7.0   4:44 PM     Set  5:30 PM
    13      Low   3:21 PM    -1.8
    13     High   9:49 PM     4.1

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