Aloha! Looks like we’re going into the week with some smaller lingering SW groundswell and a bit of WNW wind swell. Monday looks like waist high surf, kind of chunky with that combo and not that exciting to be honest. Tuesday is the turn around day with a new SW groundswell showing its face early with some inconsistent waist/chest high waves in the morning and chest/shoulder high by the late afternoon. The swell gains some strength for Wednesday and we’re looking at shoulder/HH surf to kick off the day with some bigger sets at the better summer spots. The swell peaks midday but we’re still looking at shoulder/HH surf through the day. Thursday is looking a little smaller with size in the chest/shoulder high range and tapering off throughout the day. Friday we should see the last of this swell with some waist high surf. There’s another SW for Saturday along with some more WNW waist high wind swell (Yes, ANOTHER wind swell!). This next SW will give us some inconsistent chest/ with HH sets by later in the day and should hold out for a solid day or so. I’ll have to update you on the progress of this storm.
As for this crappy June-gloomish weather it looks like we should see a little more sunshine Monday and Tuesday with nighttime clouds. Air temps in the low 70s along the coast for most of the week. Patchy fog moves in Tues night and we’ll see it doing the early AM/late PM thing with a little clearing at the coast midday. Winds should calm overnight tonight but it looks like Tuesday day and overnight we’ll be seeing some W winds. They’ll be light to moderate so conditions Wed morning for that new swell will be a little lumpy. Otherwise light winds for most of the week. The colder water temp is an unpleasant shocker. We’re seeing water temps in the mid to low 60s around town. The occasional high 60s scattered around North County . With all of these NW windswells mixing up our warm water it is keeping things cool! And the cloud cover doesn’t help either! Hoping some of these SW swells push some warmer water our way!
Overall it looks like we’ll have some fun SW swell for most of the week and into the weekend.
Gotta jam like SPAM!
Stay wet San Diego !
Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf ) starting with July 29, 2013.
Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon
/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible
M 29 High 3:15 AM 3.2 6:01 AM Set 1:19 PM 58
29 Low 8:43 AM 1.8 7:50 PM
29 High 3:40 PM 4.8
29 Low 11:01 PM 1.5
Tu 30 High 5:09 AM 2.9 6:02 AM Rise 12:20 AM 48
30 Low 9:49 AM 2.3 7:49 PM Set 2:14 PM
30 High 4:45 PM 4.9
W 31 Low 12:22 AM 1.1 6:02 AM Rise 1:01 AM 39
31 High 6:56 AM 3.1 7:48 PM Set 3:07 PM
31 Low 11:04 AM 2.5
31 High 5:45 PM 5.0
Th 1 Low 1:17 AM 0.7 6:03 AM Rise 1:44 AM 29
1 High 7:55 AM 3.3 7:47 PM Set 3:58 PM
1 Low 12:09 PM 2.5
1 High 6:36 PM 5.2
F 2 Low 1:56 AM 0.4 6:04 AM Rise 2:30 AM 21
2 High 8:31 AM 3.6 7:47 PM Set 4:45 PM
2 Low 1:00 PM 2.4
2 High 7:19 PM 5.4