Monday, September 23, 2013

Here it comes...NW swell on the way!

Fall is such an interesting time for surf and weather!  We’re looking at some NW wind and a hint of SW groundswell running along the coastline right now.  Waist/chest high surf kick off Tuesday morning but things slide down from there.  Look for knee/waist high surf for the second half of the day and into Wed.  The good news is that there’s more swell out of the NW that will fill in midday Wed.  Surf bumps up into the waist/chest range by nightfall and by Thursday morning we should see some waist/chest high surf with shoulder high sets.  This is a quickie fast and furious swell so size jumps up into the shoulder/HH range by midday, peaks and leaves as quickly as it came. By evening we’re back to waist/chest and waist by Friday morning and fading fast.  By Saturday morning we’re looking at thigh/waist high waves.  Technically a new SW groundswell should hit the buoys BUT the direction is too steep for most of SD to see any action.  Sat and Sunday we’re looking at thigh/waist high waves from NW wind swell and in the better summer breaks we might see the occasional waist high set.  Now, Monday it looks like there’s a chance of more SW groundswell.  Both hemispheres are still kicking...

Here’s the other half of our interesting fall…the weather.  A funky little weather system is going to swoop into town on Tuesday night after a beautiful mid-70 degree day.  Patchy fog on Wed morning gives way to light easterly winds and low 70s.  A chance of drizzle for Wed night, cool air temps (high 50s) and winds turn out of the south east and blow all night.  Friday the winds will turn and we’ll see light onshore winds but clear sunny skies.  It’s definitely more Fall type weather.  The weekend holds sunnier skies, warmer daytime air temps in the high 70s/low 80s and nighttime temps in the high 50s/low 60s.  Water temps are hovering in the mid/high 60s with a few nice 70s here and there.  Tides are somewhat mild this week as we’re post full moon.

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with September 24, 2013.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible

Tu  24     High   1:10 AM     3.6   6:39 AM     Set 11:41 AM      79
    24      Low   6:06 AM     2.4   6:43 PM    Rise 10:20 PM
    24     High  12:34 PM     4.9
    24      Low   7:49 PM     1.2

W   25     High   2:31 AM     3.2   6:40 AM     Set 12:32 PM      71
    25      Low   6:48 AM     2.8   6:41 PM    Rise 11:08 PM
    25     High   1:26 PM     4.5
    25      Low   9:09 PM     1.4

Th  26     High   4:54 AM     3.2   6:40 AM     Set  1:20 PM      62
    26      Low   8:16 AM     3.2   6:40 PM    Rise 11:58 PM
    26     High   2:44 PM     4.2
    26      Low  10:38 PM     1.4

F   27     High   6:25 AM     3.5   6:41 AM     Set  2:04 PM      52
    27      Low  10:17 AM     3.2   6:39 PM
    27     High   4:15 PM     4.2
    27      Low  11:46 PM     1.2

Sa  28     High   6:55 AM     3.8   6:42 AM    Rise 12:49 AM      43
    28      Low  11:40 AM     2.8   6:37 PM     Set  2:44 PM
    28     High   5:29 PM     4.4

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