Thursday, May 8, 2014

South swells are a comin'!

Hey Ho Southies are on the way!  We’re seeing the tail end of a consistent WNW windswell for Thursday.  Waves in the waist high range with mediocre energy…not as juicy as the south swells that will show up later this week.  Friday looks like a smaller day with knee/waist high waves for most of the way with more of that wind bump on it.  A very long period and steep S groundswell will be starting to show on the buoys late Friday night.  By Saturday we should be seeing some more surf…still very inconsistent steep S to start the day, with waist/chest high sets.  The angle is not ideal for San Diego so head to your fav summer spots or to OC/LA area for the bigger sets.   On top of that south will be some WNW windswell.   Both swells fill in through the day with chest/shoulder high waves and sets in the HH range.   

Sunday will actually see more S swell so size will bump up to HH+ and OH sets especially at the south facing beaches.  Swell peaks mid-morning and then backs off quickly through the day. By the evening we will see waist/chest high sets with some fun energy still but just a little smaller.  Monday kicks off the week with the tail end of both swells and some waist high waves.  Tuesday will be more of the same with waist high waves out of the both the S and some similar sized NW windswell AND some pretty nice weather to boot!  The tail end of the day should see some new swell out of the steep south.  Wednesday looks to start off with inconsistent waist/chest waves bumping up at the best summer spots to chest/shoulder while the rest of the county hangs out with waist high waves with perhaps a bit of left over windswell.

We’ve got a whirlwind of weather on tap for the next week. The week ends with a little warming trend as we creep back up into the high 60s with a mix of clouds and sun for thru Sunday.  By Monday we’re going to see air temps in the high 80s again, drier humidity but winds mostly out of the N this time as the high sets up north of us.  Tuesday and Wed will see temps in the low 90s along the coast before cooling back down into the mid80s and high 70s.  Water temps should get a nice boost with these south swells and sunshine.  Right now it’s running in the low 60s in SD and high 50s low/60s in OC/LA.
Tides are pushing a medium high for the dawn patrol and backing down to a medium low midday before pushing up to a medium high around sunset.  Looks like conditions should be pretty nice for most of the next week’s worth of swells. 

A nice wave train setting up to deliver out of the south with some sunshine  the next week!

Stay wet So Cal!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with May 8, 2014.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
Th   8     High   5:14 AM     3.5   5:55 AM     Set  2:09 AM      56
     8      Low  11:41 AM     1.0   7:36 PM    Rise  2:00 PM
     8     High   6:32 PM     4.1
F    9      Low  12:36 AM     1.6   5:54 AM     Set  2:42 AM      66
     9     High   6:17 AM     3.6   7:37 PM    Rise  2:55 PM
     9      Low  12:22 PM     1.0
     9     High   7:00 PM     4.5
Sa  10      Low   1:16 AM     1.1   5:53 AM     Set  3:15 AM      74
    10     High   7:09 AM     3.8   7:38 PM    Rise  3:51 PM
    10      Low  12:57 PM     1.0
    10     High   7:27 PM     4.9
Su  11      Low   1:53 AM     0.5   5:53 AM     Set  3:49 AM      83
    11     High   7:54 AM     3.9   7:38 PM    Rise  4:48 PM
    11      Low   1:31 PM     1.0
    11     High   7:56 PM     5.2
M   12      Low   2:29 AM     0.0   5:52 AM     Set  4:26 AM      90
    12     High   8:37 AM     4.0   7:39 PM    Rise  5:48 PM
    12      Low   2:04 PM     1.1
    12     High   8:26 PM     5.6

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