Wednesday, June 4, 2014

More smallish SW on the way!

Hola compadres!  Que paso?  Getting back into the groove of things and it looks like we’ve got some combo SW groundswell filling in with some lumpy NW windswell on top of it.  For Thursday the summer spots will definitely see more of these south swells with waist high waves along most of the SD coastline and some chest high waves at the better summer spots in N. County.   Swell peaks early Friday and then we’ll just have some small NW windswell in the knee/waist high range for the weekend.  Saturday looks like waist high from the south and knee high from the NW.  Sunday sees less SW and knee high windswell.  Late Sunday and super early Monday is when it looks like another long period SW groundswell will start to arrive.  This swell isn’t exactly aimed at us so we’re not getting the direct energy that Mexico will be getting but it’s still surfable!  Look for the occasional waist high set to kick off the work week.  By nightfall we should see a bit more of that SW.  Again, summer spots will catch more of the swell.  Tuesday sees more consistent SW in the waist/chest high range.  This lasts thru Wed morning with things tapering off ever so slowly through the day but still some fun waist/chest high waves.  Looks like another SW groundswell should be close on the heels of that last one.  We’ll check the models in a few days and see what’s up.

Weather wise we’re looking at pretty pleasant conditions with mild air temps in the low 70s along the coast, clear skies and light afternoon winds out of the W/NW by the afternoon.  Overnight clouds but clearing by daybreak.  Medium low tide mid-morning with a high tide push in the late afternoon.  Water temps are especially nice in the high 60s and trying to get into that low 70 degree range…it’s still early! 

Looks like small but surfable and fun surf…something to ride each day but you might need a log or SUP on the higher tides.

Stay wet So Cal!

 Vacationing in the mangrove with prehistoric fish!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with June 5, 2014.

Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
Th   5     High   2:40 AM     3.5   5:41 AM     Set 12:41 AM      40
     5      Low   9:31 AM     1.1   7:55 PM    Rise 12:44 PM
     5     High   4:45 PM     4.0
     5      Low  10:51 PM     2.3
F    6     High   4:07 AM     3.2   5:41 AM     Set  1:14 AM      49
     6      Low  10:23 AM     1.3   7:55 PM    Rise  1:38 PM
     6     High   5:27 PM     4.3
     6      Low  11:57 PM     1.7
Sa   7     High   5:29 AM     3.2   5:40 AM     Set  1:47 AM      59
     7      Low  11:13 AM     1.4   7:56 PM    Rise  2:34 PM
     7     High   6:05 PM     4.7
Su   8      Low  12:48 AM     1.2   5:40 AM     Set  2:22 AM      69
     8     High   6:37 AM     3.3   7:56 PM    Rise  3:32 PM
     8      Low  12:00 PM     1.5
     8     High   6:41 PM     5.2
M    9      Low   1:31 AM     0.5   5:40 AM     Set  2:59 AM      78
     9     High   7:34 AM     3.4   7:56 PM    Rise  4:32 PM
     9      Low  12:43 PM     1.6
     9     High   7:17 PM     5.6

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