Sunday, January 4, 2015

First NW of 2015 on it's way!

Aloha and Happy New Year!  Took a little hiatus but it looks like there wasn’t much in terms of swell since Christmas.  The story isn’t going to change too much for a few days.  The good news is that there is some new NW groundswell on the way!  For Monday and Tuesday we’re looking at more knee high surf out of the west.  Tuesday thru Thursday will have some background south…yes, south!  We won’t really see much from that…an occasional waist high wave at south facing beaches perhaps?  Not expecting much out of that swell.  The next swell looks to fill in Friday afternoon out of the NW.  Waves increase to waist high that afternoon with Saturday bringing chest/shoulder high waves.  The swell peaks late Saturday with some more solid shoulder high waves for the evening session.  With the angle of the swell San Diego will certainly see the bulk of the NW with OC and LA seeing much less.  Sunday we’ll see size drop off from waist/chest in the AM to just waist high by nightfall.  After that it looks like we should have some smaller NW swells but no big swell makers.  The jet stream is doing all sorts of zigs and zags so any swell makers are getting tossed around.  The southern hemi has a little activity but no huge swell makers either as is expected for this time of year.

Weather is improving with sunnier skies, slightly warmer daytime AND nighttime temps.  I hope everyone survived our mini-polar vortex last week.  I’m almost glad there wasn’t any surf because crawling out of bed for the dawn patrol when it was 27 degrees out with the wind chill just wasn’t sounding like fun!  Daytime temps are creeping up to the low-70s along the coast (80s inland!) with clear skies thru Tuesday.  Nighttime temps are still pretty chilly and in the mid to low 40s.  Our week ends with a slight cooling trend with a few more clouds thru the weekend before clearing up next week.  Luckily the water temps are still in the low 60s.  We have some pretty big tide swings this week with Monday’s full moon.  Look for a super high mid-morning tide draining out all day to a negative low just before sunset.  That makes for nice tide pooling if you’re at the beach anyway!

Rolling in the 2015 with some pretty small conditions but that will hopefully change sooner than later!  Wishing you all a Happy New Year with many fun waves to come!

Stay wet So Cal!

Local legend Dale Dobson dropping in on a nice one!   
Cardiff Reef Jan. 30, 2010

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with January 5, 2015.

Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
M    5      Low   2:27 AM     1.7   6:52 AM     Set  6:57 AM      99
     5     High   8:39 AM     5.9   4:57 PM    Rise  5:50 PM
     5      Low   3:35 PM    -0.9
     5     High  10:04 PM     4.0
Tu   6      Low   3:03 AM     1.7   6:52 AM     Set  7:39 AM      99
     6     High   9:12 AM     5.7   4:58 PM    Rise  6:44 PM
     6      Low   4:07 PM    -0.7
     6     High  10:37 PM     4.0
W    7      Low   3:39 AM     1.8   6:52 AM     Set  8:17 AM      97
     7     High   9:45 AM     5.4   4:58 PM    Rise  7:37 PM
     7      Low   4:38 PM    -0.4
     7     High  11:11 PM     3.9
Th   8      Low   4:17 AM     2.0   6:52 AM     Set  8:52 AM      93
     8     High  10:18 AM     5.1   4:59 PM    Rise  8:30 PM
     8      Low   5:09 PM    -0.1
     8     High  11:48 PM     3.9
F    9      Low   4:58 AM     2.1   6:52 AM     Set  9:25 AM      88
     9     High  10:52 AM     4.6   5:00 PM    Rise  9:23 PM

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