Friday, March 13, 2015

Small south and small WNW....but sunny!

Meeeeeeeeeeeeelting!  Hot enough for ya today?  Saturday we’re seeing the tail end of some steep SSW swell today and tomorrow.  The best summer spots and far north San Diego and Orange County are still seeing some fun waves in the waist/chest range while the rest of us see mostly knee/waist high waves out of the WNW.  Sunday things will back off even more from both directions with knee/waist high surf just about everywhere if you’re lucky.  Monday we get a shot of small WNW across our bow as waves bump up into the waist high range (remember, I said it was a small WNW).  Surf remains about waist high all day and pretty much dries up for Tuesday and Wednesday with knee high surf again.  Late Wed we’re expecting some longer period SW swell.  Size bumps back up into the waist high range with north SD and Orange Counties picking up some chest high sets throughout Thursday.  That swell is joined by a small NW to give most beaches some chest high surf by the days end.  OC and LA sees steep waist/chest high  S thru Friday while SD sees more of the small NW with waist/chest high surf to start the day and tapering off to mostly waist high surf by the end of the day and into Saturday.  The Southern Hemi seems to be dishing out some interesting activity.  Most of it is pointed at S. America, New Zealand or Mainland Mex.  It looks like it might be getting pretty quiet in these parts for awhile. 

Hate to say it but this weather is HOT!  We need a boatload…make that 5 or 10 boatloads of rain but it looks like sunshine is all we have in our future!  There’s lots of high pressure in our forecast which means sunny skies and hot temperatures and low humidity.  It also means hot offshore winds. What little surf we will have will at least be fairly clean!  Air temps in the mid-80s thru the weekend and Monday.  Expect a bit more moisture to roll in Monday night and into Tues.  That will bring us some nice cooling as air temps head back into the mid-low 70s along the coast and slightly lower (low 70s) but still mostly clear skies for the end of the week and into the weekend.   As we head towards the new moon next weekend the tides will start to get a bit more extreme. 

For the next few days we’ll see pre-dawn high tides draining out all morning to a near zero or negative tide midday/early afternoon and then back up for the evening sunset session.  With the tiny surf and minus tides tidepooling should be really good. Water clarity is also pretty awesome these days so grabbing a mask and snorkel isn’t out of the question either!  Water temps is in the low 60s.  I don’t think it ever dipped below 60s this winter!  YOWZA! 

Head out and go for a paddle or swim!  Enjoy the ocean and don’t forget to lather up on the SPF and pick up a piece of trash while you’re out there!  A clean ocean makes for happy healthy surfers!

Stay wet So Cal!

Fond memories of the winter of 2010…Chris Del Moro.

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with March 14, 2015. 
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
Sa  14     High   4:15 AM     4.3   7:01 AM    Rise  2:19 AM      49
    14      Low  11:49 AM     0.4   6:56 PM     Set  1:03 PM
    14     High   6:39 PM     3.1
    14      Low  11:14 PM     2.3
Su  15     High   5:35 AM     4.7   6:59 AM    Rise  3:12 AM      38
    15      Low  12:44 PM    -0.2   6:57 PM     Set  2:04 PM
    15     High   7:20 PM     3.6
M   16      Low  12:25 AM     1.8   6:58 AM    Rise  4:02 AM      27
    16     High   6:37 AM     5.1   6:57 PM     Set  3:09 PM
    16      Low   1:28 PM    -0.6
    16     High   7:55 PM     4.1
Tu  17      Low   1:19 AM     1.2   6:57 AM    Rise  4:50 AM      17
    17     High   7:31 AM     5.5   6:58 PM     Set  4:16 PM
    17      Low   2:09 PM    -1.0
    17     High   8:30 PM     4.6
W   18      Low   2:08 AM     0.6   6:55 AM    Rise  5:36 AM      9
    18     High   8:20 AM     5.8   6:59 PM     Set  5:25 PM
    18      Low   2:47 PM    -1.1
    18     High   9:05 PM     5.1

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