Sunday, September 23, 2012

More surf...S AND NW...!

Greetings Earthlings!  Looks like we’re coming off some pretty small swell but will start the week of right with some building SW groundswell Monday and our first NW groundswell starting to fill in late Monday and into Tuesday (Just check the Pipeline cams if you don't believe me!).  Surf looks to be only thigh/waist high Monday morning with some slightly bigger waist high surf by the evening out of the NW.  Tuesday morning will see waist high surf building through the day to waist/chest and peaking late in the day with the occasional shoulder high wave at the better N facing winter spots.  I would hardly call it “Opening Day” but it’s definitely the first good NW groundswell that’s popped up from the Aleutians.  Wed things start to back off as we see some background surf from Hurricane Miriam as she heads NW.  This is a very good thing as right now she’s a little too far SE so the swells will start off too steep for most of SD (OC and LA I’m talking to you here!) but if she moves up in the forecasted path then we should see some pretty nice hurricane swell in the chest/shoulder range by Thurs and Fri with swell peaking in the occasional HH range at more of the SD beaches by Sat.  It’ll never be SW mind you so still hit the better summer spots to take advantage of this swell.  The good news is there is another SW ground swell that looks to be heading into our swell window.  This one looks to have some kick in it as the storm that created it is sitting in our window and is just sitting there stirring up swell. Look for surf to bum up next Sunday throughout the county…Saturday afternoon and Sunday.  As the week passes I’ll keep you updated on how that swell is going to show up…don’t want this to just be another “internet hype” swell eh?

The Fall weather is upon us…sort of.  We’re still going to see some pretty nice temperatures in the high 70s along the coast but we’ll also see a bit more onshore west wind midweek as the high pressure system breaks down a little, temperatures cool and the system that created that NW groundswell nudges us a little.  I don’t think we’ll actually see water fall from the sky just yet but we might see a few more clouds for the latter part of the week.  The best part is that we’ll see cooler nighttime temps Mon-Thurs…much more pleasant sleeping weather.   The morning sessions look like they might have a little light offshore for the first few days of the week before the breezes pick up.  Nice!  And as we near the Full Moon on Saturday we’re going to start seeing a bit more water movement throughout the week.  We’ll start with medium high early AM, medium low midday to big high at sunset and then see more extreme movement by Wed.  Water temps are trying to warm up but we’re still seeing the high 60sa and low 70 here and there with slightly warmer temps in N. County in the mid 70s.  I’m hoping this steep hurricane swell combo’d with the NW groundswell doesn’t cool things down too much this week.

Looks like a fun week of surf on into the weekend.  The early and sunset sessions might be your best bet as winds might become an issue midday.  Enjoy it…this is the best part of the year (if you ask me!).


Ocean Notes:

1)       This Wednesday catch Taylor Steele’s This Time Tomorrow at La Paloma Theater at 8pm.  You can’t beat the combo of a Taylor Steele surf flick with Dave Rastovich and Craig Anderson tracking a Pacific swell.  Gonna be some fine surfing!  Catch it!

2)      Here’s a good one…have you been munching on the pricey water-grown veggies from your local farmer’s market?  Well now you can do hydroponic gardening thanks to IKEA!  Yes, just click on the link…you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

3)      Put this on your calendar…the Patagonia store in Cardiff will be having another Board Swap on Sat. October 13th from 8-noon.  Email to reserve a spot. It’s free to have your boards there and Patagonia doesn’t take a cut.

4)      Yup, Slates sets another record for us to gawk at…50 WCT wins with #50 happening last week at Trestles in some inconsistent and fading S swell but it was enough to get the man his trophy.  Must be nice!

5)      And here’s more eye candy to end these notes…crankin’ Tassie surf…big and cold.  Dang…I mean BIG AND COLD!


Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with September 24, 2012.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
M   24     High   6:41 AM     4.0   6:39 AM     Set  1:16 AM      61
    24      Low  11:42 AM     2.5   6:42 PM    Rise  3:18 PM
    24     High   5:47 PM     5.2
Tu  25      Low  12:42 AM     0.1   6:40 AM     Set  2:19 AM      72
    25     High   7:20 AM     4.5   6:41 PM    Rise  3:58 PM
    25      Low  12:45 PM     1.9
    25     High   6:48 PM     5.3
W   26      Low   1:24 AM     0.0   6:40 AM     Set  3:20 AM      81
    26     High   7:52 AM     4.9   6:40 PM    Rise  4:34 PM
    26      Low   1:34 PM     1.4
    26     High   7:38 PM     5.4
Th  27      Low   2:00 AM     0.1   6:41 AM     Set  4:20 AM      88
    27     High   8:21 AM     5.2   6:38 PM    Rise  5:08 PM
    27      Low   2:15 PM     0.9
    27     High   8:22 PM     5.4
F   28      Low   2:32 AM     0.2   6:42 AM     Set  5:19 AM      94
    28     High   8:49 AM     5.4   6:37 PM    Rise  5:41 PM
    28      Low   2:53 PM     0.6
    28     High   9:02 PM     5.2

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