Friday, February 15, 2013

Sun and small then more swell but rain and wind too.

Oookee dokee, well it looks like it’s gonna be on the smaller side for Saturday with waist high waves around town out of the NW.  We’ll see the rare chest high set in the southern half of the county at the better winter spots.  Sunday we should see a new little swell start to move in through the day with morning sessions looking at some waist/chest high waves and size picking up to chest high by the evening.   Monday we’re seeing a but more of this groundswell mixed in with some windswell from a weather front that will move through Tues/Wed.  Surf will kick off the week in the chest high range with some shoulder high sets late in the day.  Light to moderate south winds later in the day might be a factor for those later sessions.  Tuesday will see the swell peak with some chest high surf but south winds picking up at that weather system moves into town.  Both ground and wind swells drop off through the day.  A new WNW groundswell kicks in Wednesday (along with NW winds and rain all day) with size bumping back up into the chest high range overnight.  Size building slightly through the day…chest/shoulder high. 

Looks like a good sized wind swell is going to combo with that groundswell and be knocking down our door by Thursday morning.  This baby is heading due west at us so lots of closeouts at the west facing spots and beach breaks.  Size jumping up into the HH/OH range overnight so the early sessions will be seeing size immediately.  The big hiccup will be the SW winds that are forecasted to kick up Thurs and Fri as another weather system comes for a visit.  Darn those winds! More wind swell Fri and Sat with the lingering NW groundswell in the background.

Ah yes, the weather.  With the 80 degree sunshine and offshore winds tomorrow you’d never know our week will be fraught with dense fog on Sat night/Sun as the weather turns then chances of drizzle Monday night, Tuesday and most likely Wed.  The more clouds as another little system rolls through and a slight chance of showers for the end of the week.  Saturday is looking like a typical Santa Ana day…offshore, sunny and warm then Sunday we’ll see much cooler air temps (mid60s), patchy fog, and the start of our weeks worth of S winds.  Some clouds Monday with air temps in the high50s. Air temps in the mid to high 50s for the rest of the week as those storms roll though…cold storm and with enough winds to be annoying.  We’re mid-moon phase right now so tides aren’t doing anything radical.  We’re seeing the early morning medium low move up ever so slightly to a medium high early afternoon and ease it’s way back down after sunset.  Water temps are still a little chilly but nice if there’s sunshine and dry offshores.

If the winds cooperate Thursday could be fun…if not, it could be a washing machine out there.  Enjoy the sunshine while we have it!

Stay wet San Diego!

Ocean Notes:
1)      In case you hadn’t heard a 10 ton meteorite!  buzzed through out atmosphere today over in Russia and it’s wasn’t exactly just a brilliant show…as 1200 folks are injured, mostly from shattered glass as the shock-wave hit!  You have to see it to believe it!  There are a bunch of videos on this page.  Can you say “kryptonite” boys and girls? 

2)    Plastic labeled as “hazardous waste”?  Yup, might happen some day if we keep letting it slide right into our oceans!

3)    Not big but perfect Rincon from last Tuesday’s awesome swell!  Yes, take a peek!

4)    You know, maybe I posted this last June or maybe not but you just can’t pass up photos of pro surfers ripping epic Cloudbreak.  Worth a second look don’t you think?

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with February 16, 2013.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
Sa  16     High  12:54 AM     4.3   6:31 AM    Rise 10:10 AM      31
    16      Low   7:57 AM     1.4   5:35 PM
    16     High   1:55 PM     2.6
    16      Low   6:45 PM     2.0
Su  17     High   1:54 AM     4.1   6:30 AM     Set 12:12 AM      40
    17      Low   9:43 AM     1.3   5:36 PM    Rise 10:52 AM
    17     High   4:45 PM     2.5
    17      Low   8:00 PM     2.4
M   18     High   3:11 AM     4.1   6:29 AM     Set  1:04 AM      50
    18      Low  11:16 AM     1.0   5:37 PM    Rise 11:36 AM
    18     High   6:31 PM     2.8
    18      Low   9:49 PM     2.6
Tu  19     High   4:26 AM     4.2   6:28 AM     Set  1:54 AM      59
    19      Low  12:08 PM     0.6   5:38 PM    Rise 12:23 PM
    19     High   7:01 PM     3.0
    19      Low  11:08 PM     2.4
W   20     High   5:25 AM     4.5   6:27 AM     Set  2:41 AM      68
    20      Low  12:43 PM     0.2   5:39 PM    Rise  1:14 PM
    20     High   7:22 PM     3.3
    20      Low  11:59 PM     2.1

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