Sunday, March 24, 2013

Fun SW to kick off the week!

Cheers!  Some fun crossed up swell this weekend with some local NW wind swell mixed in with some new SW groundswell.  Lots of energy in the water (and people!) and some good sets if you hit the summer spots and were patient.  A continuation of the SW with a little background NW for Monday.  That SW groundswell will become a little more consistent as swell period decreases.  Surf in the chest/shoulder range with some standout sets first thing in the morning.  Swell tapers off through the day but leaves plenty of surf.  Tuesday we’ll still see waist/chest with occasional shoulder high sets at the better south facing spots. Wed and Thursday the swell dissipates even more with waist/chest and then waist high.  Friday looks like some small NW windswell as we roll into the weekend with knee/waist high for Sat.  A fresh SW looks like it should hop into town on Easter Sunday…size should bump up but I’ll have to watch this system to see what it does over the next few days.  Much more activity in the Southern Hemi lately…an early summer perhaps?

Unfortunately we won’t be seeing summer heat with those south swells.  Spring conditions take over with patchy marine later in the early AM and evening.  We’re looking at air temps hitting the mid60s with Monday and Friday being the warmest days of the week.  Monday looks mostly sunny with some sunshine the rest of the week but a 50/50 split on clouds to sunshine.  The big “S” us upon us too…south winds will show up every day after morning calm conditions.  Nothing crazy but the breaks will definitely vary with the winds…a little kelp action might not be a bad idea either!  Water temps are gradually heating up with these south swells. Offshore buoys are hitting 59/60 while the beach temps are reading 57/58.  A few more swells and we can ditch those 3/2mms (until we get a significant wind event!).  Full moon Wed is bringing some slightly more extreme tides.  We’re looking at a mid-morning high tide draining out to a negative low midafternoon and then back up again for a little sunset tide push. 

Looks like the week will kick off with some fun surf before things quiet down for the Easter weekend.

Daz it!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with March 25, 2013.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
M   25      Low   2:32 AM     0.6   6:46 AM     Set  5:27 AM      92
    25     High   8:39 AM     5.0   7:04 PM    Rise  5:44 PM
    25      Low   2:51 PM    -0.2
    25     High   9:08 PM     5.0
Tu  26      Low   3:08 AM     0.1   6:44 AM     Set  6:03 AM      97
    26     High   9:17 AM     5.0   7:05 PM    Rise  6:46 PM
    26      Low   3:20 PM    -0.1
    26     High   9:36 PM     5.2
W   27      Low   3:47 AM    -0.3   6:43 AM     Set  6:40 AM      99
    27     High   9:57 AM     4.9   7:06 PM    Rise  7:50 PM
    27      Low   3:50 PM     0.1
    27     High  10:06 PM     5.5
Th  28      Low   4:28 AM    -0.5   6:42 AM     Set  7:19 AM      99
    28     High  10:39 AM     4.6   7:06 PM    Rise  8:55 PM
    28      Low   4:21 PM     0.4
    28     High  10:39 PM     5.6
F   29      Low   5:12 AM    -0.6   6:40 AM     Set  8:02 AM      97
    29     High  11:25 AM     4.2   7:07 PM    Rise 10:01 PM
    29      Low   4:54 PM     0.9
    29     High  11:16 PM     5.6

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