Thursday, May 30, 2013

NW Windswell/small SW then a macker!

How’s this format?   Feedback welcome!

Friday – waist/chest, more NW wind swell with some new small SW in the background
Saturday – waist/knee high, fading SW and NW wind swell 
Sunday – starting knee/waist with new small SW filling in so summer spots will be the call…be patient
Monday – waist/occasional chest at better summer spots, more SW filling in and peaks Monday night
Tuesday - starts in the waist/chest range but fades a little, should start to see the early sets from the new SW groundswell
Wednesday – starts small but a new and very energetic SW groundswell fills in, surf starting in the knee high range with super inconsistent sets filling in all day. Surf jump into the solid HH range by nightfall 
Thursday - well overhead as the swell builds all day, inconsistent at first with very long period swells but doozy sets so pay attention, best summer spots, OC and LA will be rockin!  Good direction for most of SD County to get plenty of surf
Friday+ - plenty of swell all day as the swell peaks and holds on for a few days delivering some fun surf for the weekend warriors and those who surfed all week and aren’t too pooped out yet! 

Weather:  Early morning and late evening marine layer give way to some sunny skies and warm air temps in the mid to upper 70s for the weekend along the coast.  Saturday is the sunniest day of the weekend then things cool off a little Monday and remain nice and in the high 60s all week with scattered clouds again in the early AM and late PM.  Similar wind patterns all weekend and into the week…fairly clean morning (especially once that wind swell backs off) and some midday SW winds.  Some swinging tides throughout the day with a mid-morning low and mid-afternoon medium high.  Really nice water temps in the mid to upper 60s. It’s only gonna get warmer with this next juicy SW swell! 

Bring it!

Stay wet San Diego!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with May 31, 2013.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
F   31     High   2:48 AM     4.2   5:42 AM    Rise 12:44 AM      60
    31      Low   9:32 AM     0.2   7:52 PM     Set 12:45 PM
    31     High   4:31 PM     4.5
    31      Low  10:36 PM     1.8
Sa   1     High   4:14 AM     3.8   5:41 AM    Rise  1:20 AM      49
     1      Low  10:32 AM     0.7   7:53 PM     Set  1:45 PM
     1     High   5:25 PM     4.8
     1      Low  11:56 PM     1.4
Su   2     High   5:40 AM     3.5   5:41 AM    Rise  1:54 AM      38
     2      Low  11:27 AM     1.0   7:53 PM     Set  2:43 PM
     2     High   6:12 PM     5.2
M    3      Low  12:58 AM     0.8   5:41 AM    Rise  2:28 AM      29
     3     High   6:55 AM     3.5   7:54 PM     Set  3:40 PM
     3      Low  12:16 PM     1.3
     3     High   6:52 PM     5.3
Tu   4      Low   1:47 AM     0.3   5:41 AM    Rise  3:03 AM      20
     4     High   7:55 AM     3.5   7:54 PM     Set  4:36 PM
     4      Low  12:59 PM     1.5
     4     High   7:28 PM     5.5

Monday, May 27, 2013

More surf...WNW windswell for most of the week!

Hidee ho!  Happy Memorial Day everyone!  Hope you were able to enjoy the long weekend with some fun surf and warm water!  We’ve got a fun combo swell on board today with more shorter period swell filling in Tuesday out of the WNW. Surf heights in the waist/chest high range to start Tuesday but some shoulder/HH surf not uncommon throughout the county.  Keep in mind that it’s a wind swell so the energy is a little different (lower) and consistency is a little higher.  Pretty much the same stuff through Wed with size dropping off just a hair.  Thursday looks like more of the same WNW windswell in the shoulder/chest high range.  Friday will drop a little as the windswell tapers off and we might see a little background steep SW.  Summer spots will be your best bet to see any south swell.  Saturday size drops but that SW will keep the waves in the waist high range. Not the most powerful swell ever.  Sunday we’ll see a NW windswell move in with some messier and smaller surf for the day.  A new SW groundswell should start to fill in as well so I’d expect to see the summer breaks with some inconsistent waist/chest high surf by the evening sessions. A bit more SW to kick off that next Monday and a pretty nice looking storm down in the ol’ South Pacific that should be sending some decent groundswell our way for the middle/end of next week.

Weather looks pretty stable for the short work week. A few morning clouds making way for sunshine midday and air temps in the high 60s/low 70s along the coast.  Winds look pretty mild too with a little S wind by Wed.  Morning and evening sessions look to be pretty clean as far as wind…maybe a little lumpy as far as windswell though.  Tides are making the big swing this week with the full moon that just passed.  The biggest extremes are early morning super negative tides and overnight mega-high tide but we’ll still see a little slowing during the midday/early afternoon high.  There should be a nice tide push for the evening session.  Water temps feel great for so early in the season…mid to upper 60s around town.

Set a good example for the newbies at the beach and pick up some garbage on your way in! 

Stay wet San Diego!

Ocean Notes:

1)       Don’t forget the Patagonia Board Swap is June 1st at the Patagonia Store in Cardiff!  8am-noon and there’s guaranteed to be some awesome boards for great deals there!  Check out the Patagonia Facebook site for more details!

2)      That Teahupoo swell was a monster and some mighty fine surf was seen all along the Pacific Rim as it made it’s way north. Click here to see some great photos of the resulting swells.

3)      If you’re looking for something to do next Saturday how about lending a hand at the Surfrider sponsored Oceanside Beach Cleanup?  For more details… click here !


Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with May 28, 2013.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
Tu  28      Low   6:39 AM    -1.2   5:43 AM     Set  9:31 AM      89
    28     High   1:20 PM     4.0   7:50 PM    Rise 11:24 PM
    28      Low   6:17 PM     2.0
W   29     High  12:28 AM     5.5   5:42 AM     Set 10:38 AM      81
    29      Low   7:34 AM    -0.8   7:51 PM
    29     High   2:23 PM     4.0
    29      Low   7:32 PM     2.2
Th  30     High   1:32 AM     4.9   5:42 AM    Rise 12:06 AM      71
    30      Low   8:33 AM    -0.3   7:51 PM     Set 11:43 AM
    30     High   3:29 PM     4.2
    30      Low   9:02 PM     2.1
F   31     High   2:48 AM     4.2   5:42 AM    Rise 12:44 AM      60
    31      Low   9:32 AM     0.2   7:52 PM     Set 12:45 PM
    31     High   4:31 PM     4.5
    31      Low  10:36 PM     1.8
Sa   1     High   4:14 AM     3.8   5:41 AM    Rise  1:20 AM      49
     1      Low  10:32 AM     0.7   7:53 PM     Set  1:45 PM
     1     High   5:25 PM     4.8
     1      Low  11:56 PM     1.4

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Plenty more surf!

Are your arms worn out yet or are you just getting started?  The Pacific is gearing up for more as we’ve got some sizable WNW on top of the lingering SW groundswell.  Waves in the chest/shoulder high range for Thursday with some HH sets showing up.  Size holds through the day with that WNW swell filling in.  Friday the old SW and the WNW both taper off and things back off to waist/chest high.  A new background SW groundswell filling in Friday will give us more summer fun with inconsistent waves in the chest/shoulder range.  Saturday all swells back off but we’ll still see waist/chest high surf out of the south.  Sunday looks like the smallest day with waist high waves out of the south.  Monday it looks like a new swell fills in out of the SW.  Looks like a pretty nice swell too with surf really bumping up into the waist/chest range for the day and really kicking in Tuesday with HH/OH waves as the swell peaks midday. The swell holds on through the day and looks like it’ll taper off a little Wed but with plenty of energy left in the shoulder/HH waves.

It looks like the weather’s going to hold out for us.  We’ll see some morning and evening clouds but midday we’ll see sunshine.  Air temps in the high 60s through the rest of the week with some slightly cooler air temps in the mid60s for the holiday weekend.  Light SE winds this evening will make way for more SE winds early becoming gusty SW by the afternoon.  Lighter S winds for the rest of the weekend with calm mornings and moderate SW winds for the afternoons.  We’re looking at a full moon on Saturday so tides are swinging but the most in the afternoon/evening. An early morning negative tide will make for a nice morning tide push before the tide backs off to a medium low mid-afternoon and then a big tide push after sunset.  Water is really quite nice with temps in the mid to high 60s.

Looks like more fun surf on the way for the next week!

Stay wet San Diego!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with May 23, 2013.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
Th  23      Low   2:40 AM    -0.8   5:45 AM     Set  4:28 AM      92
    23     High   8:55 AM     4.0   7:47 PM    Rise  6:28 PM
    23      Low   2:07 PM     1.2
    23     High   8:30 PM     6.3
F   24      Low   3:24 AM    -1.4   5:44 AM     Set  5:18 AM      97
    24     High   9:45 AM     4.0   7:48 PM    Rise  7:36 PM
    24      Low   2:50 PM     1.3
    24     High   9:12 PM     6.6
Sa  25      Low   4:10 AM    -1.6   5:44 AM     Set  6:15 AM      99
    25     High  10:35 AM     4.0   7:48 PM    Rise  8:42 PM
    25      Low   3:34 PM     1.4
    25     High   9:55 PM     6.6
Su  26      Low   4:58 AM    -1.6   5:44 AM     Set  7:17 AM      99
    26     High  11:26 AM     4.0   7:49 PM    Rise  9:42 PM
    26      Low   4:22 PM     1.6
    26     High  10:42 PM     6.4
M   27      Low   5:47 AM    -1.6   5:43 AM     Set  8:24 AM      95
    27     High  12:21 PM     4.0   7:50 PM    Rise 10:37 PM
    27      Low   5:15 PM     1.8
    27     High  11:32 PM     6.1

Sunday, May 19, 2013

South swell is here all week!

Goodness…what fun swell we are having!  That SW groundswell that graced Teahupoo and the Hawaiian Islands the past few days has finally made it to our shores.  We’re seeing surf in the chest/shoulder high range out of the SW this evening with bigger sets at the better summer spots. There is some lingering NW windswell in the background so things aren’t quite as clean as they could be but it doesn’t seem to be hampering the surf any.  The new swell continues to fill in Monday as it peaks late morning.  Surf in the shoulder/HH range around most of town with HH/OH+ sets not uncommon at the south facing beaches.  I would imagine some of the better known summer spots will be a wee bit crowded for most of the day.  Plenty of surf Tuesday even as the swell backs off just a little.  Shoulder/HH surf throughout the day and on into Wednesday as a new little SW moves in to give the surf a continued boost.  Wednesday we’ll see some new WNW windswell move in as a small system that’s sitting offshore right now pushes it’s way east.  That will be accompanied by yet another SW groundswell.  Plenty of surf in the shoulder/HH and OH range for Thursday and finally starting to drop off for FridaySaturday looks to be the smallest day of the week with surf starting off in the waist high range but we’re looking at another medium sized SW swell that will send a little surf our way for the second half of the holiday weekend.  Wave heights look to bump back up onto the chest/shoulder range through the day Saturday and into Sunday.    Some smaller surf on the way after that swell as the S. Pacific starts to quiet down for a bit.

The good weather news is that we’ve got some pretty nice weather for most of the week. The best stuff is at the start of the week with mostly sunny skies after some early morning clouds.  That will be the story through Wed when a small low pressure system butts its head in and a few more clouds move I for the second half of the week.  We should still see plenty of midday sunshine though.  Air temps along the coast in the low 70s to start the week and down into the high to mid 60s for the middle and end of the week.  As it’s still technically Spring we’re going to continue to see some SW winds pickup by midday.  The morning’s look fairly calm so the dawn patrols should be pretty clean for this new swell.  As we head towards the Full Moon this weekend we’re looking at some more extreme tidal movement.  There’s a medium high in the early morning for the dawn patrol that goes to a medium low midday. Then we’ll see a moderate tide push for the late afternoon/early evening sunset session with a fairly decent high tide.

Some fun surf all week for everyone and for the holiday weekend as many kids kick off the start of summer vacation!

Stay wet this week!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with May 20, 2013.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
M   20      Low  12:25 AM     1.4   5:46 AM     Set  2:28 AM      66
    20     High   6:11 AM     3.6   7:45 PM    Rise  3:11 PM
    20      Low  12:01 PM     1.0
    20     High   6:39 PM     5.0
Tu  21      Low   1:12 AM     0.6   5:46 AM     Set  3:04 AM      76
    21     High   7:11 AM     3.7   7:46 PM    Rise  4:15 PM
    21      Low  12:43 PM     1.1
    21     High   7:15 PM     5.5
W   22      Low   1:56 AM    -0.2   5:45 AM     Set  3:44 AM      85
    22     High   8:05 AM     3.9   7:46 PM    Rise  5:20 PM
    22      Low   1:25 PM     1.1
    22     High   7:51 PM     6.0
Th  23      Low   2:40 AM    -0.8   5:45 AM     Set  4:28 AM      92
    23     High   8:55 AM     4.0   7:47 PM    Rise  6:28 PM
    23      Low   2:07 PM     1.2
    23     High   8:30 PM     6.3
F   24      Low   3:24 AM    -1.4   5:44 AM     Set  5:18 AM      97
    24     High   9:45 AM     4.0   7:48 PM    Rise  7:36 PM
    24      Low   2:50 PM     1.3
    24     High   9:12 PM     6.6

South is filling in!

That south Seau swell is kicking in today. It's inconsistent but some nice chest high+ sets around town.  More update tonight during the weekly forecast...

Stay wet!


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Windy then Southern Hemi South!

Okeee dokee…it looks like we’ve got some decent NW windswell with a hint of S swell going on right now.  The S is really aimed more south of us but the better summer spots might pick up a dribble of waves every now and then.   Wind swell waves in the waist high range with the occasional chest high set.  Waves don’t have a lot of gusto to them but are surfable and pretty fun with not a lot of folks out for the most part.  Look for decreasing swell for Thursday and Friday with increasing winds so messier conditions out of the S and W.  Saturday is more of the same…waist high wind chop with conditions cleaning up a bit for Sunday. Late Sunday we’ll start to see the very start of the first big S swell.  This bad boy is kickin’ some butt down in the South Pacific right now.  Things will pick up Monday with very inconsistent SW swell in the chest/shoulder range.   Some background steep S swell from the year’s first hurricane, Alvin.  The angle of the hurricane looks like it will by-pass most of SD County but North County, OC and LA should see additional energy on top of the SW groundswell.  Things kick in more on Tuesday with more solid shoulder/HH surf especially at the better summer spots…some nice HH/OH sets there.  Plenty of surf through the week as a secondary SW swell keeps the surf pumping Wed. (more shoulder/HH+ surf) and starting to taper off a little on Thursday.  Looks like we’ve got more SW on tap and even a late NW storm that looks to be sending us some late season NW swell towards the end of next week.

The next few days and through the weekend look to be funky with a mix of clouds and steady SW winds.  Worst winds look like Thursday night into Saturday morning.  Booooooooooooooooo!  Even a chance of drizzle Thursday evening through midday Saturday.  Things start to clear up Sunday with early fog then clearing skies.  Air temps only in the mid to high 60s.  Water temps are pretty balmy with average temps in the low/mid 60s.  With the messy S winds I would expect those temps to drop a little over the weekend.  Luckily that slew of SW groundswells should bump it right back up over the course of next week.  Pretty low tides in the morning with mild water movement as it head up to a medium high tide in the late afternoon and very little movement to the medium low tide a little after sunset.

Looks like less than ideal conditions for surf over the next few days and through the weekend but some fun stuff coming up for next week!

I feel summer coming on!
Stay wet San Diego!

Ocean Notes:

1) The butt kickin’ S swell that’s heading our way is pumping out some insanity on Teahupoo.  Not only were the waves going RICHTER, there were folks going over the falls, Laird on a SUP, boats crashing into each other and barely making it over the lip, lost passengers, and jet skis, surfers, photogs and all trying to stay out of each other’s way.  Total Teahupoo insanity!

2)      More warm water video coming out of the Caribbean…oh, to be in that gorgeous blue water with beautiful barreling waves!

3)      Locally we’ve got some fun stuff going on.  This Friday at the Patagonia shop in Cardiff you can come see Thomas Campbell’s slide show and book signing with Dan Malloy.  Live music from Mattson 2.  Call the shop for more info – 760-634-9886.

4)      Put the Patagonia Board Swap on your calendar for June 1st starting at 8am.  You can call to reserve your spot to swap/sell your board or just stop by to check out the goods!  Always some great deals to be had here!

5)     And if you’d like to support you local Surfrider Chapter how about heading to En Fuego in Del Mar on May 29th.  Ten percent of their sales will go to Surfrider and you benefit with tasty food and delicious beverages!  For more info click here!

6)      And just to get you in a summery mood here’s a great recipe for some summer asparagus salad . I’ve also done a similar recipe with a squeeze of fresh Meyer lemon and roasted sliced almonds.

7)      And I’ll end it with some fun local surf from that swell about a week ago.  The Bu woke up, Santa Cruz and Trestles was fun and there were still secret spots with hardly a soul out!  Offshore and S swell…yes, summer’s on it’s way!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with May 16, 2013.

Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
Th  16     High  12:58 AM     4.1   5:49 AM     Set 12:11 AM      27
    16      Low   8:32 AM     0.6   7:42 PM    Rise 11:21 AM
    16     High   3:52 PM     3.3
    16      Low   8:37 PM     2.8
F   17     High   2:08 AM     3.8   5:48 AM     Set 12:46 AM      36
    17      Low   9:29 AM     0.8   7:43 PM    Rise 12:16 PM
    17     High   4:47 PM     3.7
    17      Low  10:14 PM     2.6
Sa  18     High   3:37 AM     3.5   5:48 AM     Set  1:20 AM      46
    18      Low  10:25 AM     0.9   7:43 PM    Rise  1:13 PM
    18     High   5:29 PM     4.0
    18      Low  11:29 PM     2.0
Su  19     High   5:01 AM     3.5   5:47 AM     Set  1:54 AM      56
    19      Low  11:15 AM     1.0   7:44 PM    Rise  2:11 PM
    19     High   6:05 PM     4.5
M   20      Low  12:25 AM     1.4   5:46 AM     Set  2:28 AM      66
    20     High   6:11 AM     3.6   7:45 PM    Rise  3:11 PM
    20      Low  12:01 PM     1.0
    20     High   6:39 PM     5.0

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Teahupoo!

Remember that HUGE Surfer Mag cover with Laird at Teahupoo that BLEW everyone’s mind?  This latest swell is right up in the “Mind blowing” category.  Some insanely huge waves hitting the South Pacific right now…and the good news is that it’s heading our way next!  YEAH BABY!  More details on that tonight…for now, just check out this link and HOLD ON!


Stay wet!


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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Small S, wind swell and warm water!

Getting back to the grind!  This will be a quick one!  We’re getting a little bump up of SW swell overnight and into Friday with some waist high waves at the better summer spots along with some shorter period wind swell out of the west that will keep most beaches in the knee/waist high range, consistent but not a lot of guts.  Saturday looks like it starts small but another and slightly steeper SW swell fills in later in the day and into Sunday.  Surf for Sunday looks warm and sunny and in the waist/chest high range.  Swell peaks midday Monday and then we might see some funky S that’s really not aimed into our swell window but we’ll catch some dregs out of the S.  We will, however, see more WNW wind swell Tuesday and into Wed with some waist and even the occasional chest high set showing up in town.  Things taper off and slowly quiet own as that swell fades out during the second half of the week.  Good news is that the Southern Hemi is alive and well so it looks like we might see some nice SW groundswell in about a week and a half. 

Weather looks pretty nice for the weekend with decreasing clouds into the weekend, air temps in the high 60s to mid-70s along the coast.  Monday and Tuesday actually look the nicest with temps reaching the high 70s along the coast and plenty of sunshine.  Mild winds with the standard mild west wind kicking up for the afternoon and then calming again into nighttime.  Water temps are really nice with low to mid 60s around town. More warm stuff heading our way too!  New moon tides going on right now with early pre-dawn morning drained out lows, medium highs mid-morning, medium low mid-afternoon then zipping up with a big tide push for the evening sunset sessions.

Gotta go unpack and hit the sack…travel is good but I’m beat!
Stay wet San Diego!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with May 10, 2013.

Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
F   10      Low   4:19 AM    -0.6   5:53 AM    Rise  6:21 AM      0
    10     High  10:41 AM     3.8   7:38 PM     Set  8:30 PM
    10      Low   3:42 PM     1.6
    10     High   9:57 PM     5.6
Sa  11      Low   4:53 AM    -0.5   5:53 AM    Rise  7:06 AM      0
    11     High  11:20 AM     3.6   7:38 PM     Set  9:21 PM
    11      Low   4:12 PM     1.8
    11     High  10:27 PM     5.4
Su  12      Low   5:29 AM    -0.4   5:52 AM    Rise  7:53 AM      3
    12     High  12:01 PM     3.4   7:39 PM     Set 10:08 PM
    12      Low   4:43 PM     2.1
    12     High  10:58 PM     5.2
M   13      Low   6:07 AM    -0.1   5:51 AM    Rise  8:42 AM      7
    13     High  12:47 PM     3.3   7:40 PM     Set 10:52 PM
    13      Low   5:16 PM     2.3
    13     High  11:31 PM     4.9
Tu  14      Low   6:50 AM     0.1   5:50 AM    Rise  9:34 AM      12
    14     High   1:42 PM     3.2   7:41 PM     Set 11:33 PM
    14      Low   5:57 PM     2.6