Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Big south on the way!

Where is it?  It’s coming!  We’re seeing the tail end of NW wind swell for Wednesday with knee/waist high waves along the coast.  That is about to change.  Wednesday we’ll start to see the long period SW groundswell start to fill in.  Very inconsistent sets will bump surf into the waist/chest high zone by midday and increase from there.  Thursday we’re looking at a healthy dose of SW groundswell from a great angle so SD County (along with OC and LA) will light up for the next few days.  Look for Thursday morning surf to be in the shoulder/HH range with HH/OH sets especially in the better south facing spots.  By days end we should see well OH+ sets which will continue into Friday as the swell peaks early Friday morning.  HH/OH surf all Friday as the swell starts to fade ever so slightly.  Saturday we’re kicking off the weekend with more HH/OH surf but the swell backs off fairly quickly so we’ll see chest/HH surf by the evening session and then chest high for Sunday and waist/knee high by Monday.  Tuesday looks like we’ll see another smaller SW kick in with more waist high surf.  Some small storms brewing down south but nothing as juicy as the upcoming swell. 

The next week of weather looks pretty consistent with early clouds clearing to sunshine midday.  Air temps in mid/high 60s along the coast.  We should have fairly calm mornings with midday west winds glassing off in the evening.  The weekend will bring some more southerly winds but nothing too gusty…just annoying.  As we approach the New Moon we’ll be seeing some overnight extreme tides but midday tides aren’t too bad.  The biggest push will be the morning coming off the negative low tide.  Water temps have cooled off with this past week of windswell with temps in the mid-60s along the coast. 
Overall it looks like a great fun week of surf and mostly good conditions!

Surf it up and stay wet San Diego!

Ocean Notes:
         1) Volcom Fiji Pro…yes, you want to see these  photos!
    2) Mainland Mex…yes, you wish you were there!
       3) Teahupoo…yes, you would never try to surf waves this  big and perfect! 

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with June 5, 2013.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible

W    5      Low   2:27 AM    -0.1   5:41 AM    Rise  3:40 AM      13
     5     High   8:43 AM     3.6   7:55 PM     Set  5:31 PM
     5      Low   1:38 PM     1.6
     5     High   8:01 PM     5.7

Th   6      Low   3:02 AM    -0.4   5:41 AM    Rise  4:20 AM      7
     6     High   9:24 AM     3.6   7:55 PM     Set  6:25 PM
     6      Low   2:13 PM     1.8
     6     High   8:33 PM     5.8

F    7      Low   3:35 AM    -0.5   5:40 AM    Rise  5:03 AM      3
     7     High  10:01 AM     3.6   7:56 PM     Set  7:17 PM
     7      Low   2:47 PM     1.9
     7     High   9:04 PM     5.8

Sa   8      Low   4:06 AM    -0.6   5:40 AM    Rise  5:49 AM      0
     8     High  10:35 AM     3.6   7:56 PM     Set  8:05 PM
     8      Low   3:20 PM     2.0
     8     High   9:35 PM     5.7

Su   9      Low   4:38 AM    -0.6   5:40 AM    Rise  6:38 AM      0
     9     High  11:10 AM     3.6   7:57 PM     Set  8:51 PM
     9      Low   3:53 PM     2.1
     9     High  10:07 PM     5.6

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