Thursday, June 27, 2013

Lingering S and for the weekend!

Salutations!  Some fun mixed up surf in the water today with a combo NW and SW swell with some left over hurricane swell in there too!  Waves in the chest/shoulder range out of the SW with some NW waist high waves sneaking in there.  Looks like the better summer spots are picking up more surf…northern end of N. County and the south facing spots in the south end of the county.  Size is starting to taper off a little but we’ll still see plenty of fun ones in the chest/shoulder high range for Friday morning and into midday.  By sundown we’ll see waist/chest waves and occasional shoulder high sets.  That hurricane Cosme didn’t really pan out for us as it took a more westerly direction so the swell is going away from us.  We’re still seeing a little surf from it (every little bit helps!) but the bulk of the energy went westward.  Saturday things taper off a little more with mostly the SW in the waist/chest range.  Sunday we’re looking at a small SW groundswell filling in late morning and through the day.  Size peaks out late Sunday and into Monday morning with waist/chest high surf.  Plenty of S in this swell so the W and S facing beaches should be pretty fun.  Tuesday the swell starts to taper off early with waist high waves to start the day and knee/waist high by sundown with some fun sneaker sets in there.  Wednesday we’ll see the very last of that swell with thigh high waves going to knee high or so by the evening session.  The 4th of July is looking mighty small!    Good news is that there’s some fun looking SW groundswell  that should fill in for the 4th of July holiday weekend.  Stay tuned!

Weather is looking interesting along the coast.  It’s gonna be a scorcher inland but pretty nice along the coast.  We’ll see some dense fog to start and end the days with hot sunshine midday.  That marine layer will probably sit just offshore and might move in and out throughout the day with it being so hot inland.  Fairly mild winds out of the west by midday to cool things off for the next few days.  Air temps in the high 70s/low 80s.  By Sunday we’re looking at the hottest day with mostly clear skies all day and sunshine.  A little more patchy dense fog to start the work week but air temps will remain nice and warm and winds will be light. Water temps are back into the low 70s…YEAH and will feel really nice during the midday scorcher.  Tides are still pretty low first thing in the morning with a medium high in the early afternoon and going to a medium low around sunset.

Looks like some fun surf still with more on the way!

Stay wet San Diego!

Ocean Notes:
1)       Yup, Parko won at Keramas …still the champ!  The man had the ocean tamed…it threw waves his way when he needed it and he pulled some nice ones!

2)      Here’s some entertaining clothing for you…a lionfish patterned rash guard…to keep sharks away.  If you buy this I have a used bridge for sale too!

3)      Houston we’re going electric!  The electric FIAT has SOLD OUT in CA!  If you didn’t get one you’re gonna have to wait for the 2014 model.  With 116mpg and a lease of only $199 a month you can’t go wrong…and it’s a pretty cool car too!

4)      I’ll leave you with some waves to drool over.  They’ll make you want to pack your bags or just leave the office early and go surfing!  Enjoy!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with June 27, 2013.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
Th  27     High  12:14 AM     5.5   5:43 AM     Set 10:33 AM      83
    27      Low   7:03 AM    -0.6   8:01 PM    Rise 11:20 PM
    27     High   1:44 PM     4.6
    27      Low   7:17 PM     1.8
F   28     High   1:12 AM     4.8   5:43 AM     Set 11:35 AM      74
    28      Low   7:52 AM     0.0   8:01 PM    Rise 11:55 PM
    28     High   2:39 PM     4.7
    28      Low   8:35 PM     1.8
Sa  29     High   2:20 AM     4.0   5:44 AM     Set 12:36 PM      64
    29      Low   8:43 AM     0.7   8:01 PM
    29     High   3:38 PM     4.8
    29      Low  10:05 PM     1.7
Su  30     High   3:44 AM     3.4   5:44 AM    Rise 12:30 AM      53
    30      Low   9:38 AM     1.3   8:01 PM     Set  1:34 PM
    30     High   4:36 PM     5.0
    30      Low  11:34 PM     1.4
M    1     High   5:21 AM     3.1   5:45 AM    Rise  1:05 AM      43
     1      Low  10:37 AM     1.6   8:01 PM     Set  2:31 PM
     1     High   5:30 PM     5.1

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