Sunday, August 19, 2012

Last of the SW for a while...

Holy melting surf wax Batman!  The good news is this heat is supposed to break this week (yeh, I know…we really shouldn’t complain) but the bad news is that there’s not much swell going on after Wed.  Today we actually saw some fun SW swell. Monday we’re looking at more leftovers in the waist/chest high range out of the S with some NW wind swell lumped on top.  Tuesday is looking smaller with mostly waist high SW and a bit more wind swell and  Wednesday is looking yet smaller with waist high topping off the better sets.  Thursday look for knee high surf with some very steep SE swell hitting the buoys but missing most of SD County.  This will be another swell to head to OC or LA for with only a few stragglers making it into our swell window for the occasional waist high wave.  Same story for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  We’ll see some smaller wind swell on top of the near non-existent SE swell but surf will remain in the knee high range with the rare waist high wave. I’m not seeing any big swell makers in either hemisphere.  Storms are sliding off the ice shelf a little too close to Chile to be much use to us and the N. Pac has a few little squeakers that might actually throw more NW at us (El Nino?) in the upcoming weeks.

As I mentioned at the top of the forecast it looks like things might cool down a bit more this week.  Monday and Tuesday look to be warm and sunny again (high 70s along the coast) but then cooling to the mid70s and even low 70s by the end of the week and into next weekend.  We should also have some cooler nights which will make for better sleeping conditions.  Calm mornings with light to moderate SW winds for the afternoon.  The way the moisture is moving around we’re still going to see a lot of humidity so the beach will still be the place to be to cool things off.  That being said the water temps are a warm 72 degrees around town.  As we come off the New Moon last Friday there’s a low tide for the dawn patrol with a moderate high midday and then another decent low a few hours before sunset.  That should help things out with a little tide push for the sunset session.

Hope you all got some fun surf this weekend.  If you or little ones are heading back to school this week farewell to summer…but remember, we do live in Southern California…land of the Endless Summer (well, until El Nino hits!).

Have a great week everyone and please don’t forget to lather on that SPF!


Ocean Notes:

1)       With all of this sunshine just blazing away and electricity bills soaring sky high perhaps more of you are thinking of going solar. SDG&E is here to help with their FREE Solar for Homeowners - Getting Started seminar.  Why waste a good thing?

2)       And if you don’t already have it on your phone it’s time to download (or update) the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch App.  It’s got up-to-date recommendations for ocean friendly seafood and now has locations of markets and restaurants where you can find sustainable seafood.

3)      While things aren’t exactly pumping down in Tahiti the pros still make it look better than a day in my office at the Billabong Pro Tahiti. How does it compare to yours?

4)      In the upcoming months San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) will be replenishing the sand at local beaches.  They will start moving equipment at IB this week, start moving sand the start of Sept and then work on North County beaches from early Oct to late November.  For more information and updates check out their beach sand replenishment website. 

5)      And we’ll end on a nice surfy surfy note… Bali surf on YouTube!  


Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with August 20, 2012.

Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
M   20      Low   5:14 AM     0.3   6:16 AM    Rise  9:28 AM      5
    20     High  11:38 AM     5.3   7:28 PM     Set  9:11 PM
    20      Low   5:45 PM     0.9
    20     High  11:47 PM     4.7
Tu  21      Low   5:46 AM     0.8   6:17 AM    Rise 10:33 AM      12
    21     High  12:16 PM     5.3   7:27 PM     Set  9:51 PM
    21      Low   6:43 PM     1.0
W   22     High  12:42 AM     4.0   6:18 AM    Rise 11:39 AM      20
    22      Low   6:22 AM     1.4   7:26 PM     Set 10:34 PM
    22     High   1:02 PM     5.3
    22      Low   7:54 PM     1.0
Th  23     High   1:56 AM     3.4   6:18 AM    Rise 12:45 PM      30
    23      Low   7:05 AM     1.9   7:24 PM     Set 11:23 PM
    23     High   2:01 PM     5.2
    23      Low   9:23 PM     1.0
F   24     High   3:42 AM     3.0   6:19 AM    Rise  1:49 PM      41
    24      Low   8:10 AM     2.4   7:23 PM
    24     High   3:17 PM     5.2
    24      Low  10:57 PM     0.7

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