Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Plenty more Spring WNW swell on the way...

Aloooooooooha!  With all of this sunshine and a gorgeous holiday weekend it sure feels like an island vacation to me (well, minus the mai tais and 80 degree water).  So, good news, my crystal wave ball seemed to be a little tarnished last time and we have some decent wind swell around town. It’s not epic but it’s certainly not flat.  There were some consistent chest high waves rolling in this afternoon…probably not the norm but they were there!  Most spots were showing in the waist high range but there were sets to be surfed!  Low energy NW wind swell will continue Wednesday with some small background SW ground swell too.  Surf will drop a bit in size Thursday as well, probably the smallest day all week with knee/waist high surf.  Early Friday we’re looking at some more WNW windswell with a hint of small SW groundswell to kick off the first official summer month.  Surf should bump up into the waist/chest high range with inconsistent SW sets.  More swell for the weekend with chest high Sat and then we’ll see some SW ground swell fill in Sunday with inconsistent surf in building from the waist/chest range and increasing Monday and Tuesday for some potentially fun summer swell in the shoulder high range.  We’ve got some time to watch what those swells will do.  The storm that is creating that swell isn’t ideal so keep your eyes open and I’ll let you know how next week will pan out.

We’re looking at more nice weather along the coast with some patchy coastal marine layer opening up to sunny skies and air temps in the mid to upper 60s.  Looks like less marine layer and more sunny skies for the weekend with similar air temps.  After some unseasonal winds and rain this weekend we’re still seeing some S/SW this week.  (I’ll refrain from going into a climate change discussion here…) For the most part we’ll see some glassy mornings and mild winds in the afternoon.  Water temps are still in the mid60s with a nice balloon of warm water (upper 60s) in N. County (see image below) and the lower 60s showing up south of La Jolla.  We’ll see some slightly more extreme tides starting late in the week as we approach the full moon next Monday.

Looks like there are some fun waves for this weekend with sunny skies and light winds!  No complaints here!


Ocean notes:

1)       If you’re not busy this Thursday evening stop by and listen to the “Ditch the Foam” presentation by a panel of speakers at Coastkeeper.  Styrofoam really isn’t that bad is it?  YES!  Now here why!  http://www.sdcoastkeeper.org/act/green-events-in-san-diego/signs-of-the-tide.html 


Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with May 30, 2012.

Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
W   30     High   5:26 AM     3.5   5:42 AM     Set  1:53 AM      61
    30      Low  11:15 AM     1.0   7:51 PM    Rise  2:49 PM
    30     High   6:02 PM     5.2
Th  31      Low  12:43 AM     0.6   5:42 AM     Set  2:31 AM      71
    31     High   6:41 AM     3.6   7:52 PM    Rise  3:57 PM
    31      Low  12:06 PM     1.2
    31     High   6:44 PM     5.7
F    1      Low   1:35 AM    -0.3   5:41 AM     Set  3:12 AM      81
     1     High   7:45 AM     3.8   7:53 PM    Rise  5:06 PM
     1      Low  12:56 PM     1.3
     1     High   7:27 PM     6.3
Sa   2      Low   2:24 AM    -1.0   5:41 AM     Set  3:59 AM      90
     2     High   8:42 AM     3.9   7:53 PM    Rise  6:17 PM
     2      Low   1:44 PM     1.4
     2     High   8:11 PM     6.6
Su   3      Low   3:12 AM    -1.5   5:41 AM     Set  4:52 AM      96
     3     High   9:35 AM     4.0   7:54 PM    Rise  7:25 PM
     3      Low   2:32 PM     1.5
     3     High   8:56 PM     6.8

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