Monday, October 29, 2012

Small to medium sized WNW on tap for the week

Salutations all!  Some fun new WNW swell filling in late today.  Tuesday morning we’re looking at high tide slowed waist high surf by daybreak and fun waist/chest by midday.  Swell peaks in the afternoon and tapers off ever so slightly for Halloween Wednesday.  Good direction to give most beaches around town some fun surf with the right tide choice.  Still some waist high swell through the day before a new WNW swell starts to fill in Thursday.  This swell has a little more energy with waist/chest high by midday Thursday and picking up through Friday.  Swell peaks late Friday with chest high surf and some left over swell for Saturday starting in the waist and occasional chest high range but tapering through the day..  We’re looking at a little NW wind swell as a small low pressure system kicks in this weekend.  Shorter period small knee high surf for Sunday with a hint of background SW groundswell.  Looks like small surf to start next week with a small NW groundswell to fill in starting Tuesday.  We’ll have to see how that swell pans out.

The weather looks pretty nice even with that small low pressure system swinging down for the weekend.  The one thing we’ll see is fog…very thick fog.  Thick morning and evening fog for the rest of the week.  That should clear by midmorning and then we’ll see sun and temps in the low 70s.  Light east winds overnight turning light and out of the west midday.  That looks to be the pattern for a few days.  Then a few more clouds for the weekend and slightly cooler air temps.  Tides are still swinging pretty heavily as we come off the full moon.  Big morning high tides are slowing the midmorning sessions and the late afternoon sessions are pretty drained out with negative tides but a little turn around push for the sunset session…if you can see the sun set through the fog.  Water temps dropped a little with all that offshore wind this weekend.  Water temps in the mid to high 60s.

Looks like some fun medium sized surf around town.  Still waiting for the North Pacific to really wake up and start delivering.  I know…patience…patience.
Oh, and GO GIANTS! 

Ocean Notes:
1     1)       Sweet West Oz big surf. Check out this session from the latest secret spot in West Oz.    And check out the video on slide 6...portable waterproof HD cameras have revolutionized surfing and surf videos.

2     2)      And just another quick one from Surfline…pre-chaos Hurricane Sandy swells.  Wow, nice stuff.  Things are a little different now as I type. Hope everyone stays safe. 

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with October 30, 2012.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible

Tu  30      Low   3:18 AM     1.7   7:06 AM     Set  7:53 AM      99
    30     High   9:32 AM     5.9   5:59 PM    Rise  6:37 PM
    30      Low   4:22 PM    -0.2
    30     High  10:44 PM     4.0

W   31      Low   3:44 AM     2.0   7:07 AM     Set  8:46 AM      99
    31     High   9:59 AM     5.7   5:58 PM    Rise  7:19 PM
    31      Low   4:57 PM     0.0
    31     High  11:23 PM     3.8

Th   1      Low   4:10 AM     2.2   7:08 AM     Set  9:37 AM      96
     1     High  10:27 AM     5.5   5:58 PM    Rise  8:05 PM
     1      Low   5:34 PM     0.1

F    2     High  12:07 AM     3.5   7:08 AM     Set 10:26 AM      91
     2      Low   4:36 AM     2.5   5:57 PM    Rise  8:54 PM
     2     High  10:57 AM     5.3
     2      Low   6:16 PM     0.4

Sa   3     High   1:01 AM     3.3   7:09 AM     Set 11:11 AM      86
     3      Low   5:04 AM     2.8   5:56 PM    Rise  9:46 PM
     3     High  11:31 AM     5.0
     3      Low   7:05 PM     0.6

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