Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Springtime wind and windswell

WHOA!  How about that wind?  I was not expecting that much wind.  Too bad it made such a mess of all that beautiful swell.  Well, that’s Springtime in SoCal for ya!  Looks like we’ve got more lumpy swell with the leftover the NW wind swell to give us some slightly cleaner surf for Wed.  Surf still decent size in the chest/shoulder range but dropping through the day.  Thursday looks waist high with some background S swell but most of that will miss SD County and overnight winds looks to make things pretty messy.  Friday looks like a little more NW windswell with size keeping in the waist/chest range with the occasional shoulder high set.  Saturday the swell backs down pretty quickly and surf drops to knee/waist high.  Sunday is about the same with some longer period but fairly steep S swell starts to build in.  That swell will have some pretty nice energy but will mostly miss SD due to the steep angle.  Far North County and OC/LA areas will see the best that swell has to offer.  We hope to see some stragglers from that one.  That swell builds Monday and doesn’t peak until about Tuesday with some sizable shoulder/HH surf and OH sets not uncommon by Tuesday in the LA area.

Definitely seeing some springtime weather with winds all over the place…onshore…offshore…side shore…all in a 24hr period.  More of the same all week with some clear skies for Wed/Thurs and slightly warmer air temps (high 60s) before the marine layer and a little midday sunshine comes back for the weekend.  Tough to see the good wind windows…I’m thinking mid-Thurs morning we might see some SE winds but overnight NW winds might make it just a jumbled mess.  Friday morning doesn’t look too bad with SE winds overnight.  Some cooler water temps in the high 50s…maybe feeling a little cooler with the super low tides in the early morning this weekend.  Still some big tide swings from the medium high to the mid-afternoon low for the next day or so before things start to even out. 

So I think this next week will just be a week of “just GO” cause it’ll never be super clean but just degrees of more or less clean.

Have fun and stay wet San Diego!

Ocean Notes:

1)      Is what you do extreme?  You might think twice after checking out these daredevils…secret spot highlining.  Shoot, what’s 192’ up in the air on a thin rope?

2)    Hey, tickets to Surfrider’s 13th Annual Art Gala are on sale!  They’ve got a new look and live artists!  Tickets are only $50 and that includes the event, food AND drinks! WHAT?  Get your tickets now!

3)    With summer close on our heels and those pallet bonfires looking more enticing every day it’s time you learned which pallets are safe and which are not. Not safe?  Who knew?

4)    If you missed the first few showings of Jack McCoy’s Deeper Shade of Blue there’s still time!  It’s still showing at La Paloma Theater in Encinitas thru Thursday April 11th!  Beautifully show and some insane footage...old and new, telling the story of surfing! Here’s the trailer!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gr5SxtOP_W4

5)    Gotta end on a surfy surfy note…late NW swell…Pipeline…need I say more?

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with April 10, 2013.

Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
W   10      Low   3:56 AM    -0.4   6:25 AM    Rise  6:26 AM      0
    10     High  10:08 AM     4.4   7:16 PM     Set  7:53 PM
    10      Low   3:45 PM     0.7
    10     High   9:59 PM     5.5
Th  11      Low   4:32 AM    -0.5   6:24 AM    Rise  7:03 AM      0
    11     High  10:46 AM     4.0   7:16 PM     Set  8:49 PM
    11      Low   4:14 PM     1.1
    11     High  10:28 PM     5.4
F   12      Low   5:08 AM    -0.3   6:22 AM    Rise  7:43 AM      2
    12     High  11:26 AM     3.8   7:17 PM     Set  9:44 PM
    12      Low   4:41 PM     1.4
    12     High  10:57 PM     5.2
Sa  13      Low   5:46 AM    -0.1   6:21 AM    Rise  8:25 AM      5
    13     High  12:08 PM     3.4   7:18 PM     Set 10:37 PM
    13      Low   5:08 PM     1.7
    13     High  11:27 PM     5.0
Su  14      Low   6:29 AM     0.2   6:20 AM    Rise  9:10 AM      11
    14     High  12:59 PM     3.1   7:19 PM     Set 11:26 PM
    14      Low   5:35 PM     2.1

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