Sunday, February 24, 2013

Fun surf and gorgeous weather!

Greetings SoCal!  We’ve got a nice shorter period W groundswell and mixed up windswell along the coast.  Surf in the shoulder/HH range with some OH sets. We’re looking at the backside of the swell to kick off the week with more shoulder high surf with the occasional HH set at the better winter spots for Monday.  Smaller surf for Tuesday with the tail end of the groundswell in the waist/chest high range throughout the day.  Looks like a new smaller groundswell for Wednesday but really just keeping things in the waist high range with some chest high sets.  The direction will make the southern end of the county see slightly bigger surf.  Pretty much the same deal with Thursday with some early season S swell thrown in there for kicks. The better summer beaches will see signs of that swell. Friday looks like a new NW groundswell. This has a little more angle to it so the better winter spots will definitely see more swell and size.  Look for waist/chest high surf for Thurs and slightly bigger for Friday but not by much…shoulder high sets at the best spots.  We should see a little more SW groundswell at the summer spots so North County is not out of the loop completely.  Waist high southies for the summer spots.  Saturday and the weekend sees a new WNW groundswell that will bump surf into the waist/chest early Saturday and into the chest/shoulder range for Sunday.  Better still we’re in for some sunshine and warm temps for the weekend!

Speaking of weather…we’re due for a warm up over the course of the week.  A nice high pressure ridge is setting up as the Jet Stream takes a hike and we’re expecting sunshine all week and increasingly warmer temps through the week and weekend.  We’re looking at mid60s to kick off the week.  Low70s by Wed.  High 70s Fri and Sat before cooling off a tad for Sun/Mon.  Oh and did I mention mild east winds almost all week.  Yes, a fine week shaping up indeed.  We’re coming up on a Full Moon on Tuesday which means more extreme tides.  Nothing too crazy but the early morning high will definitely slow things down a little as the swell fades.  The negative low tide in the mid-afternoon will drain out some of the beach breaks but there’s a lot of sand on most beaches so I think for the most part most spots should survive the low with a nice little turnaround push for the evening session.  Water temps are in the mid50s still…nothing some rubber can’t cure. 

Fun surf and gorgeous weather coming up this week…enjoy!

Stay wet San Diego!

Ocean Notes:
1)      Wow, some nice pics coming out of Oz for the Nikon's Australian Surf Photo of the Year contest.  Some big surf down there!

2)    Here’s a fun one…an underwater photographer with a sense of humor!

3)    Mark Healy (badass big wave surfer) deals out his list of the Top 10 most Bad Ass Surfers.

4)    Now THIS is my kind of surf camp!  Where was this when I was a grom?

5)    Here’s a fun 3-minute vid of Mr. Joel Tudor…stylemaster on any board but just so smooth on a log at Cardy.

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with February 25, 2013.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
M   25      Low   2:24 AM     0.8   6:21 AM     Set  5:56 AM      98
    25     High   8:32 AM     5.4   5:43 PM    Rise  5:58 PM
    25      Low   2:57 PM    -0.6
    25     High   9:15 PM     4.7
Tu  26      Low   3:00 AM     0.5   6:20 AM     Set  6:31 AM      99
    26     High   9:07 AM     5.3   5:44 PM    Rise  6:58 PM
    26      Low   3:25 PM    -0.4
    26     High   9:43 PM     4.9
W   27      Low   3:38 AM     0.4   6:19 AM     Set  7:06 AM      98
    27     High   9:44 AM     5.0   5:45 PM    Rise  8:00 PM
    27      Low   3:53 PM    -0.1
    27     High  10:14 PM     5.0
Th  28      Low   4:21 AM     0.3   6:17 AM     Set  7:43 AM      95
    28     High  10:25 AM     4.5   5:46 PM    Rise  9:03 PM
    28      Low   4:22 PM     0.3
    28     High  10:47 PM     5.1
F    1      Low   5:10 AM     0.4   6:16 AM     Set  8:22 AM      89
     1     High  11:12 AM     4.0   5:46 PM    Rise 10:07 PM
     1      Low   4:53 PM     0.8
     1     High  11:27 PM     5.0

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