Thursday, May 30, 2013

NW Windswell/small SW then a macker!

How’s this format?   Feedback welcome!

Friday – waist/chest, more NW wind swell with some new small SW in the background
Saturday – waist/knee high, fading SW and NW wind swell 
Sunday – starting knee/waist with new small SW filling in so summer spots will be the call…be patient
Monday – waist/occasional chest at better summer spots, more SW filling in and peaks Monday night
Tuesday - starts in the waist/chest range but fades a little, should start to see the early sets from the new SW groundswell
Wednesday – starts small but a new and very energetic SW groundswell fills in, surf starting in the knee high range with super inconsistent sets filling in all day. Surf jump into the solid HH range by nightfall 
Thursday - well overhead as the swell builds all day, inconsistent at first with very long period swells but doozy sets so pay attention, best summer spots, OC and LA will be rockin!  Good direction for most of SD County to get plenty of surf
Friday+ - plenty of swell all day as the swell peaks and holds on for a few days delivering some fun surf for the weekend warriors and those who surfed all week and aren’t too pooped out yet! 

Weather:  Early morning and late evening marine layer give way to some sunny skies and warm air temps in the mid to upper 70s for the weekend along the coast.  Saturday is the sunniest day of the weekend then things cool off a little Monday and remain nice and in the high 60s all week with scattered clouds again in the early AM and late PM.  Similar wind patterns all weekend and into the week…fairly clean morning (especially once that wind swell backs off) and some midday SW winds.  Some swinging tides throughout the day with a mid-morning low and mid-afternoon medium high.  Really nice water temps in the mid to upper 60s. It’s only gonna get warmer with this next juicy SW swell! 

Bring it!

Stay wet San Diego!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with May 31, 2013.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
F   31     High   2:48 AM     4.2   5:42 AM    Rise 12:44 AM      60
    31      Low   9:32 AM     0.2   7:52 PM     Set 12:45 PM
    31     High   4:31 PM     4.5
    31      Low  10:36 PM     1.8
Sa   1     High   4:14 AM     3.8   5:41 AM    Rise  1:20 AM      49
     1      Low  10:32 AM     0.7   7:53 PM     Set  1:45 PM
     1     High   5:25 PM     4.8
     1      Low  11:56 PM     1.4
Su   2     High   5:40 AM     3.5   5:41 AM    Rise  1:54 AM      38
     2      Low  11:27 AM     1.0   7:53 PM     Set  2:43 PM
     2     High   6:12 PM     5.2
M    3      Low  12:58 AM     0.8   5:41 AM    Rise  2:28 AM      29
     3     High   6:55 AM     3.5   7:54 PM     Set  3:40 PM
     3      Low  12:16 PM     1.3
     3     High   6:52 PM     5.3
Tu   4      Low   1:47 AM     0.3   5:41 AM    Rise  3:03 AM      20
     4     High   7:55 AM     3.5   7:54 PM     Set  4:36 PM
     4      Low  12:59 PM     1.5
     4     High   7:28 PM     5.5

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