Monday, July 1, 2013

Fading S and small S on the way

Goodness…where does the time go?  June is over and it’s already July!  We’ll celebrate with the tail end of the last WSW/NW combo swell that’s giving us some fun waist/chest high surf with some fun shoulder high sets.  The waves have had some nice energy to them with this last swell.  Things taper off a little Tuesday with mostly waist/chest high surf.  Wednesday looks like smaller thigh/waist high surf with Thursday, the 4th of July looking like the smallest day to start the loooooooong weekend off with shin to knee high waves.  The good news is that a new small SW swell will start to fill in so we’ll start to see some inconsistent thigh high waves by fireworks time.  Swell fills in a little more on Friday with thigh/waist high waves…not much improvement but better than nothing. Then we’ll see the secondary swell fill in  Saturday with more waist high surf and peaking Sunday with waist and occasional chest high surf at the better summer spots.  Not a lot of juice in this one as size starts of Monday with waist/chest high surf and backs off through the day.  Tuesday sees the tail end of the swell with some waist high surf as a little combo WNW wind and super steep S fills in.  I’m not expecting much from that steep south as it’ll pass right by SD County.

Looks like our heat wave has peaked for now with patchy morning marine layer giving way to midday sunshine and air temps in the mid to low 70s for the rest of the week.  Slightly cooler sleeping temps too in the mid-60s.  Relative humidity stays pretty high which means it’ll still be fairly hot and sticky everywhere.  Best to just go to the beach and take a dip!  Winds look calm in the mornings and evenings with some mild to moderate westerly winds picking up by midday.  Water temps are pretty nice with high 60s and low 70s just offshore.   We’ll see a medium high for the early morning sessions going to a medium low midday and then back up to a decent high in the early evening giving us a little tide push.  With the fading swell it might swamp things out for the evening sessions.  Sand bars at the better beach breaks will probably hold that higher tide.

Daz about it for now!
Stay wet San Diego!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with July 2, 2013.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
Tu   2      Low  12:44 AM     0.9   5:45 AM    Rise  1:41 AM      33
     2     High   6:51 AM     3.1   8:01 PM     Set  3:27 PM
     2      Low  11:35 AM     1.9
     2     High   6:18 PM     5.2
W    3      Low   1:36 AM     0.4   5:45 AM    Rise  2:20 AM      24
     3     High   7:57 AM     3.3   8:01 PM     Set  4:21 PM
     3      Low  12:28 PM     2.1
     3     High   7:00 PM     5.4
Th   4      Low   2:16 AM     0.1   5:46 AM    Rise  3:02 AM      16
     4     High   8:44 AM     3.4   8:01 PM     Set  5:13 PM
     4      Low   1:14 PM     2.1
     4     High   7:38 PM     5.6
F    5      Low   2:50 AM    -0.2   5:46 AM    Rise  3:46 AM      10
     5     High   9:19 AM     3.6   8:01 PM     Set  6:02 PM
     5      Low   1:54 PM     2.1
     5     High   8:14 PM     5.7
Sa   6      Low   3:20 AM    -0.4   5:47 AM    Rise  4:34 AM      5
     6     High   9:49 AM     3.7   8:01 PM     Set  6:49 PM
     6      Low   2:31 PM     2.1
     6     High   8:47 PM     5.8

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