Tuesday, April 8, 2014

More sunshine and southern hemi!

Hellooooooooooooo So Cal!  Well, the southern hemi is certainly waking up and these days we’re seeing a mix of NW and SW for at least another half day.  The combo is tapering off Wednesday in the waist high range out of the NW and knee high from the southern direction.  Thursday we’re looking at just the leftovers of NW in the knee/waist high range.  Friday we’ll see some new SW as some longer period groundswell fills in midday.  Waves will pick up into the waist high range with some chest high sets at the better summer breaks.  Swell builds slightly through the night and peaks Saturday late morning with slightly more consistent waist/chest high surf.  Things drop off for Sunday with waist high again with a little W wind swell on top of it. 

It backs down further for Monday morning as the day starts off in the knee/waist high range but a new steep SW groundswell will fill in through the day. This one looks fairly steep so the best spots in San Diego and North County might pick up some strays but it’ll hit much better farther up north in OC and LA.  It’ll be super inconsistent as the swell period will be pretty long so be patient.  The good news for San Diego is that there will be some NW groundswell filling in on top of that so they’ll still have some fun waves.  Wave size bumps up to waist/chest by the afternoon and some shoulder high sets especially in the northern end of SD County and farther north.  Waist/chest high out of the NW for the winter breaks in SD.  Tuesday will be more consistent out of the south with a slight increase in wave height…waist high in SD and chest/shoulder in OC/LA.  Size picks up Wed with the combo of swells and it looks like there’s more activity in the southern hemi so I think we’ll see more activity at our summer beaches in the weeks to come!

Weather has been incredible the last few days.  We’re looking at another day of hot sunny skies on Wed with just slightly cooler air temps. That Santa Ana condition will turn around after Tuesday night’s offshores and the west winds will kick into gear Wed morning.  Look for a cooling trend through the weekend. Mid-70s for Wed thru Fri and mid-60s for the weekend.  Winds are mild to moderate out of the west in the afternoons thru the end of the work week and then turn out of the WSW for the weekend with that cooling trend.  Water temps have really taken a dive with some mid to high 50s around town.  BRRRRRRRRRRRRR!  Tides are medium high in the early morning for the dawn patrol and dropping out to a low in the early afternoon and another medium high tide push at sunset.

That’s all she wrote folks!  Enjoy the sunshine and don’t forget to stay wet!


Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with April 9, 2014.

Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
W    9      Low  12:25 AM     2.1   6:26 AM     Set  3:02 AM      64
     9     High   6:10 AM     4.0   7:15 PM    Rise  2:23 PM
     9      Low  12:52 PM     0.5
     9     High   7:30 PM     4.0
Th  10      Low   1:07 AM     1.6   6:25 AM     Set  3:37 AM      72
    10     High   6:59 AM     4.1   7:16 PM    Rise  3:17 PM
    10      Low   1:23 PM     0.4
    10     High   7:51 PM     4.2
F   11      Low   1:42 AM     1.2   6:24 AM     Set  4:11 AM      80
    11     High   7:40 AM     4.3   7:16 PM    Rise  4:11 PM
    11      Low   1:52 PM     0.4
    11     High   8:14 PM     4.6
Sa  12      Low   2:15 AM     0.7   6:23 AM     Set  4:44 AM      87
    12     High   8:18 AM     4.4   7:17 PM    Rise  5:07 PM
    12      Low   2:19 PM     0.4
    12     High   8:38 PM     4.9
Su  13      Low   2:48 AM     0.2   6:21 AM     Set  5:18 AM      93
    13     High   8:54 AM     4.5   7:18 PM    Rise  6:04 PM
    13      Low   2:47 PM     0.4
    13     High   9:03 PM     5.2

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