Sunday, September 28, 2014

Dominant SW with some NW too!

OK well we’ve got both hemispheres opening up and throwing swells in our direction plus yet another hurricane chilling off Baja.  To kick off the work week we’re looking at the left overs of the WNW windswell that’s making things kinda funky and not as clean as they should be (plus a bit of wind lately).  Hurricane Rachel is spinning just due west of the tip of Cabo and sending some steep SE swell our way.  I doubt if most of SD will see any of this but OC should pick some of it up.  The best summer spots in SD will see a bump up of some waist high waves for the day and OC looks to capture some waist/chest high waves as some of that hurricane swell may wrap in.  Tuesday a bit more of the same with energy backing off but a touch better angle so a little more in the OC/SD swell window.   Wednesday things back off for the day.  This will be the smallest day of the week with waist high waves for both SD and OC/LA.  The second half of the day will probably see some SW sneaking in with some waist high waves. 

Thursday is the bigger story with a new dominant SW groundswell that will be rolling in and bumping things up towards the end of the day into to the chest/shoulder high range with good angle for SD and OC/LA.  Super inconsistent to start off of course (southern hemi swells take their time).   Swell holds through Friday and Saturday and conditions should be really hot and nice all day (so play nicely!).  The consistency will be better too.  Sunday things start to back off but we’ll still see plenty of chest high waves but energy level will taper off.  Kicking off the next week we should see some new NW groundswell arriving.  The best news is that there are both NW and SW groundswells that look to be forming and heading our way for that week.  Still lots of energy out there in the southern hemi…don’t count it out yet! 

And I hope you’re all enjoying the nice cool Fall air temps because that’s all about to change as we slide into another warming trend.  Patchy fog in the mornings and evenings give way to sunny skies and air temps in the mid/high 70s thru Wed and then clear skies and low/mid80s for the end of the week and thru the weekend.  We’re looking at some E winds tonight (Sunday) turning W and a bit blustery in the morning as it has the past few days.  I’d get on it ASAP for the best conditions.  We’ll see a similar pattern for the next few days…offshore overnight and onshore early.  Water temps are cooling down with some high 60s around most of town.  The medium low tide at first light fills in to a high midday and back out a few hours after sunset.

Looks like yet another fun week of September Sessions!  Fall is in the air!  Surf is going off around the planet and the full suits are coming out of the closets.  Enjoy the surf this week!

Stay wet So Cal!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with September 29, 2014.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
M   29     High   1:02 AM     3.5   6:42 AM    Rise 11:44 AM      20
    29      Low   5:47 AM     2.3   6:36 PM     Set 10:29 PM
    29     High  12:25 PM     5.1
    29      Low   7:52 PM     1.0
Tu  30     High   2:28 AM     3.2   6:43 AM    Rise 12:41 PM      29
    30      Low   6:36 AM     2.7   6:35 PM     Set 11:24 PM
    30     High   1:29 PM     4.9
    30      Low   9:15 PM     1.0
W    1     High   4:16 AM     3.3   6:43 AM    Rise  1:35 PM      39
     1      Low   8:22 AM     3.0   6:34 PM
     1     High   3:00 PM     4.7
     1      Low  10:37 PM     0.7
Th   2     High   5:38 AM     3.7   6:44 AM     Set 12:23 AM      50
     2      Low  10:22 AM     2.8   6:32 PM    Rise  2:26 PM
     2     High   4:33 PM     4.8
     2      Low  11:42 PM     0.4
F    3     High   6:27 AM     4.1   6:45 AM     Set  1:26 AM      61
     3      Low  11:44 AM     2.3   6:31 PM    Rise  3:14 PM
     3     High   5:48 PM     5.2

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