Monday, April 16, 2012

Waist/chest surf and sunny skies!

Hola hola ayyyyyyyyyy!  Ah, SoCal comes through again and we kick off the week with clean glassy (small) surf with 70 degree air (let’s not talk about how cold the water is just yet!).  We’ll we’re looking at some small/medium sized SW groundswell filling in on the buoys today and tomorrow (Tuesday).  Inconsistent surf in the waist/chest high range with slightly larger sets at the summer spots.  Between sets is pretty quiet and calm though.  Look for surf to taper off a little after it peaks tomorrow early early.  Waist high for Wednesday before the next little WNW moves in early Thursday.  That swell should bump the surf back up into the waist and occasional chest high range for the day with the swell peaking in the early evening.  Fading surf Friday, back down into the knee/waist high range.  We’ll start to see some small long period SW swell late Friday and through Sat.  Surf really only getting back into the waist/chest range…best of course at the better summer spots since the angle of the swell is a little steep.  Then some small NW trickles in Sunday…and I mean, TRICKLES…for a few days as both hemispheres take a little break for the first part of next week.  Don’t fret though, it looks like we have some pretty nice SW groundswell gearing up down there.  It should make some goofy footers very happy as the summer spots start to wake up and those sand bars start doing their thing.

Well, as Murphy’s Law would have it we’re looking at pretty nice weather this week with clear skies to start the day tomorrow and air temps in the high 60s and low 70s along the coast.  Light winds all day as well. A bit of marine layer Wed early AM and late PM with sunshine and slightly cooler temps (mid60s) midday.  Similar Thursday and then a nice warm up for the end of the week and into the weekend with low/mid 70s and clear skies. Light winds all week with no crazy low pressure systems to get things blowing.  Water temps are still pretty darn chilly with mid50s the norm along most of the coast. Bring all the rubber to the's COLD!  Tides are starting  to swing a little more as we near Saturday’s New Moon but most of the crazy swings happen overnight with some moderate water movement from the early morning high to the near zero low in the early afternoon. 

Looks like some fun surf with sunny skies!  Enjoy the week!


Ocean notes:

1)       We’ll kick these ocean notes off with a little Aloha…how about some gorgeous hula from the annual Merrie Monarch Festival on the Big Island?  There was some seriously beautiful hula going on this past weekend.  The music alone will put you in the Island mood!  Here are the wahines (women) And here are the kane (men)

2)      And I couldn’t pass up the Ocean Notes without mentioning EARTH WEEK!  This Sunday is the official Earth Day with a great celebration of our Big Blue Marble (remember that show?) down in Balboa Park on Sunday from 10am – 5pm.  Our Earth Day celebration is the WORLD’S LARGEST Earth Day celebration.   Come on down to check out all the cool booths, kids activities and parade, music, eARTh Gallery, and get your green grub on!

3)      Of course we celebrate Earth Day all year long on my blog.  Here’s a cool Earth-friendly tip on “green spring cleaning”!

4)      Ok, I know it’s only mid-April but you’re gonna thank me for posting this now…get your tickets to the hottest show in town…the San Diego Surf Film Festival held in Bird’s Surf Shed May 11-13th.  Get your tickets now and thank me later!

5)      Another great event going on is the Vintage Surf Swap Meet held at the California Surf Museum in Oceanside April 28th. Even if you don’t have a classic mahogany alea sitting in your garage rafter you might want to come take a peek at the beauties that will show up at this event.  Get ready for some ooooooooooohs and ahhhhhhhhhhhhs.  More details here:

6)      I haven’t event gotten to the surf porn yet!  This surfer doesn’t have technically have cajones but I bet some of you wouldn’t paddle out in the stuff she surfs!  I know I wouldn’t!

7)      And we all love a good train wreck…Billabong XXL Best Wipeouts…OUCH..MEDIC!

 Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with April 16, 2012.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
M   16      Low   1:08 AM     1.3   6:17 AM    Rise  3:35 AM      25
    16     High   7:03 AM     4.3   7:20 PM     Set  3:31 PM
    16      Low   1:17 PM     0.2
    16     High   7:45 PM     4.7
Tu  17      Low   1:51 AM     0.8   6:16 AM    Rise  4:06 AM      17
    17     High   7:51 AM     4.3   7:21 PM     Set  4:27 PM
    17      Low   1:50 PM     0.4
    17     High   8:11 PM     5.0
W   18      Low   2:27 AM     0.3   6:15 AM    Rise  4:36 AM      10
    18     High   8:32 AM     4.2   7:22 PM     Set  5:22 PM
    18      Low   2:19 PM     0.6
    18     High   8:36 PM     5.2
Th  19      Low   3:00 AM     0.0   6:14 AM    Rise  5:07 AM      5
    19     High   9:09 AM     4.1   7:22 PM     Set  6:16 PM
    19      Low   2:45 PM     0.8
    19     High   9:00 PM     5.3
F   20      Low   3:31 AM    -0.2   6:13 AM    Rise  5:39 AM      1
    20     High   9:44 AM     4.0   7:23 PM     Set  7:11 PM
    20      Low   3:11 PM     1.1
    20     High   9:25 PM     5.4

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