Thursday, June 7, 2012

Linger NW, new S,'s all good!

Greetings all!  We’re looking at some fading NW wind swell that’s been producing some pretty nice waves around town lately. Heard rumors of some dredging 7-9’ waves around N. County this morning as the tide turned around.  YOWZA!  Friday things will quiet down just a smidge with less NW wind swell (chest/shoulder in the AM and waist/chest by nightfall) but there’s a little SW groundswell that’s we’re already starting to see on some of the buoys.  The 20 second period will mean very very inconsistent S for the next day or so and since it’s not the most powerful swell we’re really only looking at some waist high waves for south facing beaches late Friday.  Swell picks up over Sat a little with some waist/chest high surf and on into Sunday.  We’ll also see some new NW wind swell helping the surf no Saturday and into Sunday…waves at west and north facing beaches in the chest and shoulder high range by late Sat and early Sun.  Both swells fade on Monday with the S lasting a hair longer and hanging on until Tuesday with some knee/waist high surf.  Looks like some new wind swell for Wednesday but surf only in the waist high range.  The southern hemi looks like it’s going to pick up for next weekend (figures, I’ll be out of town!) with a decent storm looking like it might sit and spin a little while down there by Tazzieland before moving on.  I’ll keep my eye on it and let you know.

We’ve been enjoying some mighty nice weather the past few days…waking up to sunshine and warm beach temps.  There’s a bit more marine layer in our near future with patchy fog tonight and early tomorrow but clearing with sunshine and similar air temps by midday.  Same patterns for most of the weekend…perhaps a hair cooler.  Light south winds will pick up each day (ugh…Springtime!) but I’m not anticipating it to get to blustery.  Water temps seem pretty variable right now (see Terrafin chart below) with the southern half of the county getting some low 60s and a nice bubble of warm water (high 60s) hanging up around O’side.  We’re seeing some fairly drained out early morning tides moving to a medium high by mid-afternoon and then back down before sunset.

Looks pretty fun for awhile…a little spring breeze mixed in with some wind swell and early S swell…surf it!


Ocean notes:

1)       This weekend has all sorts of fun stuff going on.  If you find yourself in Encinitas on Sunday between 10am and 4pm cruise on down to Cottonwood Creek Park and check out Encinitas Environment Day!!!  There are booths of good organic food, exhibits and vendors, kids activities and of course free raffle prizes!

2)      Our fridges are full of reusable food containers these days.  Check out this Earth 911 link to find out the best way to reuse all of that plastic and glass!

3)      Here’s a fun video from Surfer Mag…fun Indo with some pros…and some “no-so-pros”…just watch it!

4)      This is a must read!  Volunteer pros teaching autistic kids to surf.  . Way to go everyone!  What a great day at The Bu!

5)      I’d watch this video of Taj, Mick and Kelly even if these three guys were just walking down the street…but they’re not…they’re RIPPING FIJI!   

Log on to to check out the water temps near you!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with June 8, 2012.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
F    8     High  12:08 AM     5.5   5:40 AM     Set 10:14 AM      84
     8      Low   7:11 AM    -0.7   7:56 PM    Rise 11:36 PM
     8     High   1:56 PM     4.0
     8      Low   7:05 PM     2.2
Sa   9     High   1:03 AM     4.9   5:40 AM     Set 11:16 AM      75
     9      Low   8:01 AM    -0.1   7:57 PM
     9     High   2:54 PM     4.1
     9      Low   8:24 PM     2.3
Su  10     High   2:07 AM     4.1   5:40 AM    Rise 12:09 AM      65
    10      Low   8:53 AM     0.5   7:57 PM     Set 12:14 PM
    10     High   3:52 PM     4.3
    10      Low   9:54 PM     2.1
M   11     High   3:25 AM     3.6   5:40 AM    Rise 12:41 AM      55
    11      Low   9:45 AM     1.0   7:58 PM     Set  1:11 PM
    11     High   4:46 PM     4.5
    11      Low  11:22 PM     1.7
Tu  12     High   4:53 AM     3.2   5:40 AM    Rise  1:12 AM      45
    12      Low  10:38 AM     1.4   7:58 PM     Set  2:06 PM
    12     High   5:33 PM     4.8

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