Wednesday, June 13, 2012

More NW wind swell and some small S too!

(I’m heading out on vacation so the next report won’t be until next Monday the 18th)

Oh boy it’s another holiday weekend coming up AND (sing it with me now…) “SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOL’S OUT FOR SUMMER!!!!!”  To kick off the first weekend of many kiddos summer vacation we’re looking at some combo WNW pseudo groundswell (ok, just call it wind swell) mixed in with some super long period SW groundswell.  For Thursday that translates into waist/chest high decently consistent surf at W and N facing beaches with very VERY inconsistent waist high surf at the S facing beaches.  A bit more S on Friday with decreasing WNW.  The weekend (Sat/Sun) is looking like mostly the left overs of the S swell so…hmmmmmm, waist/knee high.  The W and N facing beaches should see some tiny NW wind swell in the background.  Best to hit the beach breaks with a fun shortboard and the reefs with a log…a BIG log!  Late Monday is looking like the next opportunity for new swell with more NW wind swell showing up to help the toe high surf into the knee high range.  Luckily Tuesday we’re also looking at some new SW ground swell that looks to finally have a little gusto in it with surf picking up for the end of next week.  Again, that’s a ways off but the storm models look promising.

Our weather patterns seems sort of painfully steady with overcast skies sticking to the coastline and low to mid60s.  A small system will deliver a chance of drizzles tonight (yes, really!) with a bit more sunshine for Fri and Sat.  Father’s Day looks like a decently nice day with the warmest air temps all weekend (high 60s/low 70s) and maybe even some sunshine by midday.  We’ll have a little S winds tonight and early east winds before becoming westerly.  S winds on Thurs night and Fri as our pal “coastal Eddy” swoops into town for the day.  Nicer days with lighter S winds Sat and light W winds by midday Sun.  We’re seeing only minor tidal movement midday with big tide swings starting up around sunset (big high tides) and negative lows through the middle of the night.  Water temps have cooled off a tad with temps in the 64-66 degree range around the county.

I hope everyone has a nice Father’s Day weekend and if you’re getting out of school…have a great first summer weekend!

Outta here!

Ocean Notes:

1)       Here’s an app you might not have… Trash Backwards…an upp for UPCYCLING your garbage…do something with it before it heads to the recycling center!  Figure out what to do with just any anything you have that you might want to recycle!  Just try it…you’ll be surprised!

2)      And Dad probably doesn’t need ANOTHER pair of on-sale boardshorts.  Why not check out the Treehugger Green Gift Guide to give you some ideas.  Shoot…upcycle the boardshorts using the Trash Backwards app!

3)      Don’t forget about International Surfing Day on Wednesday June 20th!  Head over to Paradise Point Resort and Spa with the San Diego Surfrider for some fun eats, treats, beverages and the world premiere of Taylor Steele’s new surf flick Here & Now.

4)      And if you’re one of the thousands who will flock to the Fair this weekend also check out Surfrider’s award winning Ocean Friendly Garden display.  Get some good ideas for your own backyard while you’re there!

5)      Well, by now you might have heard that it was PUUUUUUUUMPING for the Volcom Pro in Fiji this past week.  If you don’t believe it then here’s the proof. Put your seat belt on cause this might just blow you AWAY!

6)      And I try to save the best for last…you’ll sleep soundly tonight dreaming about this…Kelly Slater just rocked the house and made it look so amazingly easy to rip during the finals of the Volcom Pro to win first place.  A-MA-ZING!!!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with June 14, 2012.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
Th  14      Low   1:21 AM     0.8   5:40 AM    Rise  2:15 AM      27
    14     High   7:27 AM     3.1   7:59 PM     Set  3:55 PM
    14      Low  12:14 PM     1.9
    14     High   6:50 PM     5.2
F   15      Low   2:01 AM     0.3   5:40 AM    Rise  2:50 AM      19
    15     High   8:19 AM     3.2   7:59 PM     Set  4:49 PM
    15      Low  12:56 PM     2.0
    15     High   7:25 PM     5.4
Sa  16      Low   2:35 AM     0.0   5:40 AM    Rise  3:28 AM      12
    16     High   9:00 AM     3.4   7:59 PM     Set  5:42 PM
    16      Low   1:34 PM     2.1
    16     High   7:58 PM     5.6
Su  17      Low   3:07 AM    -0.3   5:41 AM    Rise  4:10 AM      6
    17     High   9:35 AM     3.5   8:00 PM     Set  6:34 PM
    17      Low   2:11 PM     2.1
    17     High   8:31 PM     5.7
M   18      Low   3:38 AM    -0.5   5:41 AM    Rise  4:57 AM      2
    18     High  10:08 AM     3.6   8:00 PM     Set  7:24 PM
    18      Low   2:46 PM     2.1
    18     High   9:04 PM     5.8

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