Thursday, July 26, 2012

Pretty small surf for awhile...

I blinked and missed it!  Did anyone see that swell?  If you did you must have been up in Malibu cause it mostly missed San Diego.  With waist high waves and a few chest high sets at best in N. County things are pretty quiet around here in the ocean these days.  The not so good news is that Friday, Saturday and Sunday aren’t looking promising for much swell.  We’ll see some small SW late Sat that will put the knee high waves from Friday in the waist high range and then things will get small again.  A random little low pressure system is actually going to send us some NW wind swell (beggars can’t be choosers!) for Monday and Tuesday with another blip of waist high surf.  Then things quiet down for Wed…knee high again, with late Thursday seeing our next SW swell that will have much more west in it as it peeks out from behind New Zealand except that the models have most of the energy blocked behind NZ and kind of petering out by the time it hits our swell window.  I’m still hoping for some waist/chest high surf by the end of next week.  So, until then…log it and enjoy the nice weather.

Did someone say weather?  Yes, we’re looking at much of the same type of weather through the weekend and into next week.  Some early morning clouds making way for sunshine along the coast and air temps in the low to mid 70s.  Winds should be fairly calm in the morning but might get a little windy like today by midday.  Some NW breeze blowing Friday night so Saturday dawn patrol might not be super glassy…but there won’t be much to surf so…go figure.  Calming winds for Sat and Sun.  Water temps have cooled a little with still some low 70s around N. County but some cooler high 60s in the southern parts of the county.  Look for some bigger tide swings as we approach the Full Moon on Tuesday.  Mostly the late morning low pushing up to the late afternoon high.  That’ll become more apparent towards Sunday.

So in the grand scheme of things we’re not seeing much surf any time soon BUT…the weather’s gorgeous and the water’s still pretty warm!  There’s still a lot of ways to enjoy the ocean!

I’m outta here!

Ocean Notes:

1)       My quick list of 10 other things you can do in the ocean when there is not surf…go snorkeling…swim...go fishing…teach a munchkin to surf…take a long walk/ride during low tide…take a nap on the beach…sunbathe naked (ok, maybe this one isn’t for everyone!)…stand on the cliffs and look for whales…better yet…paddle a SUP out and get a closer look…and last but not least…do a beach clean up and set a good example for everyone!

2)      And here’s one you might have seen as it went viral on the internet and news yesterday…fly fisherman, Alex Beck, hooked an estimated 500-700lb mako shark off the San Diego coast at a catch and release fly fishing fund raising tournament for shark research put on by my husband and I called the Flying Mako Tournament.  Alex gets pretty excited about the flying mako on the end of his line…some racy language…turn down the volume if there are kiddos around.

3)      And if you liked that last one… here's another video of the same shark as it does a drive by next to and under the boat.  That’s a BEEEEEEEG fish!   Thanks to captain Mark Martin for the footage!

4)      And while it’s flat…why not go tide pooling during the negative low tide (well, when it’s daylight low tide…2am might not be such a good idea).  Guess who make Treehuggers list of 8 Best North American Beaches for Exploring Tide Pools!

5)      Ok, before I move onto something more surfy…you just have to check out this recipe for peach and tomato salsa.  Uh…YUM!

6)      And NOW…for something more surfy!  If you missed watching them live you should check out some pics from the World Masters surf contest down in Nicaragua this past week.  These guys may be old in the eyes of a lot of groms but they still rip!

7)      And we’ll close with these monsters coming in down in Tazzyland at Shipsterns…really…really someone thinks it’s a good idea to paddle out in a wave that looks like Godzilla’s claw about ready to smash them?  REALLY?

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with July 27, 2012.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
F   27     High   5:19 AM     2.9   6:00 AM     Set 12:35 AM      55
    27      Low   9:53 AM     2.2   7:51 PM    Rise  2:52 PM
    27     High   4:56 PM     5.5
Sa  28      Low  12:25 AM     0.3   6:00 AM     Set  1:26 AM      66
    28     High   6:53 AM     3.2   7:50 PM    Rise  3:57 PM
    28      Low  11:17 AM     2.3
    28     High   6:01 PM     5.9
Su  29      Low   1:22 AM    -0.3   6:01 AM     Set  2:23 AM      77
    29     High   7:55 AM     3.6   7:50 PM    Rise  4:57 PM
    29      Low  12:29 PM     2.2
    29     High   6:59 PM     6.3
M   30      Low   2:10 AM    -0.8   6:02 AM     Set  3:25 AM      86
    30     High   8:40 AM     4.0   7:49 PM    Rise  5:52 PM
    30      Low   1:28 PM     1.9
    30     High   7:51 PM     6.5
Tu  31      Low   2:53 AM    -1.1   6:02 AM     Set  4:30 AM      93
    31     High   9:19 AM     4.2   7:48 PM    Rise  6:41 PM
    31      Low   2:20 PM     1.6
    31     High   8:38 PM     6.6

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