Tuesday, April 16, 2013

More windswell then sunshine and S swell!

Geeeeeeeez, this wind is unrelenting!  We’re completely missing out on the S swell  which is also being bombarded by sizable NW wind swell.  More waning NW wind swell for Wednesday in the waist/chest range.  Still very short period with more winds, initially out of the NE but then blowing out of the W…and I mean BLOWING!  Both swells drop a little Thursday, starting in the waist/chest range and dropping into the waist high range with less wind swell and even less S swell.  Friday is looking cleaner but the smallest day of swell with the last bits of NW wind swell and S swell giving us surf in the knee/thigh high range.  It is however forecasted to be about 80 degrees.  As the good weather continues into the weekend we’re looking at a new small and steep S swell.  I’m thinking this will miss a lot of SoCal.  Perhaps some knee/waist at the better summer spots.  Same for Saturday and Sunday and into the start of Monday.  Towards the end of Monday it looks like we should see another S swell.  This swell looks to have a slightly better angle then previous swells and a lot more energy.  Looking for surf to pick up into the chest high range with some shoulder high sets at the start of the week.  The swell continues with more activity in the southern hemi.

With all the blustery winds the surf has been a mess with the occasional clean shoulder here and there.  Look for more of the same for the next two days.  Lots of wind…both NE and W and cold overnight air temps in the high 40s/low 50s.  Things calm down Thursday night as a high pressure system kicks in and a nice hot Santa Ana kicks in.  Light E winds early through Friday with air temps in the low 80s and humidity dropping.  Gusty E winds Friday night and more sunny skies, NE winds and air temps into the high/mid 70s for Saturday and Sunday.  Sunny skies but slightly cooler air temps into the work week but no clouds for awhile.  Tides aren’t moving much through the day with the most movement happening as the mid-morning low moves up to the mid-afternoon medium high.  Very little…almost no movement in the afternoon/evening.  Water temps have dropped a bit after all of this wind.  We’re seeing some high 50s.  With more wind I’d expect the temps to drop a little more.  

Looks like the end of the week and weekend are gonna shape up with some really nice weather with a little steep surf out of the S.

Stay wet San Diego!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with April 16, 2013.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible

Tu  16     High  12:42 AM     4.2   6:18 AM     Set 12:12 AM      25
    16      Low   8:23 AM     0.8   7:20 PM    Rise 10:48 AM
    16     High   3:44 PM     2.9
    16      Low   7:12 PM     2.8

W   17     High   1:44 AM     3.9   6:16 AM     Set 12:55 AM      34
    17      Low   9:38 AM     0.9   7:21 PM    Rise 11:41 AM
    17     High   5:29 PM     3.0
    17      Low   9:26 PM     2.9

Th  18     High   3:16 AM     3.7   6:15 AM     Set  1:35 AM      43
    18      Low  10:49 AM     0.9   7:21 PM    Rise 12:35 PM
    18     High   6:11 PM     3.3
    18      Low  11:06 PM     2.6

F   19     High   4:45 AM     3.7   6:14 AM     Set  2:12 AM      53
    19      Low  11:43 AM     0.7   7:22 PM    Rise  1:30 PM
    19     High   6:38 PM     3.7

Sa  20      Low  12:08 AM     2.0   6:13 AM     Set  2:48 AM      62
    20     High   5:53 AM     3.9   7:23 PM    Rise  2:27 PM
    20      Low  12:24 PM     0.6
    20     High   7:03 PM     4.1

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