Friday, April 5, 2013

Super fun and big out of the SW AND WNW!

Ok, are you ready?  Cause surf if gonna pick up overnight and through Saturday. We had the super early and super inconsistent HH sets today out of the south but tomorrow the energy and consistency will pick up some more…as will the size.  We’re looking at nice SW in the chest/shoulder range to start the day. HH/OH sets are not out of the question especially for the better summer spots. Plenty of swell all day as yet another swell out of the WNW fills in on top of it.  Can you hear the guys at Pipeline hooting and hollering?  They’re stoked on this late winter swell.  It’s really only going to get better!  WNW will fill in more on Sun and bump surf at the winter spots into the shoulder/HH range with some stand out sets all while the SW sends sets too.  More swell for Monday as the WNW really fills in on top of that background S and size will jump into the HH/OH range for Monday and well OH for the start of Tues.  Then size drops off rather quickly as that storm is forcasted to move out of our swell window and poop out.  We’ll still see plenty of surf all day Tues but the early sessions will definitely see the peak of the swell.  Wed is looking at waist/chest high surf to start the day and the smallest day of the week looks to be Thurs before a new NW rolls into town Friday.

Weather might actually cooperate a little. We will see a little eddy along the coast that will stir up some S winds but it looks like we’ll see some clouds and S winds this weekend before sunshine sunshine and sunshine for the week.  (Figures!)  Mid to high 60s all weekend, cool Monday and then warm, warmer and warmest for the week…air temps in the low to mid-70s all week.  Winds look SE overnight before turning SW in the afternoon…ooooooooooh, glassy offshore dawn patrol!  Then pretty much a similar story for Sat night and Sunday.  Water temps was mighty chilly this morning…4/3 temps if the sun’s not out…mid to high 50s.  It’ll be interesting to see how it cools down with this big WNW moving in.  Tides will definitely be a factor as we approach a Wed Full Moon but they aren’t too crazy extreme.  Early morning high will slow things down a little and then drain out to negative tides for the early/mid-afternoon. 

Looks like lots of surf this week!  Work those arms ‘til you can’t paddle no more!

Stay wet San Diego!

Ocean Notes:

1)      I mentioned Pipeline earlier…if you don’t believe me just click on Surfline’s pic here titled “Good Epic Pipeline”.

2)    And some of these South swells have been throwing some beautiful swell at Tahiti.  Big, warm surf...

3)    Not a good Pipeline story but I thought you should know…the spill in Arkansas is being covered up by EXXON.  Not good people…not good!

4)    SALE SALE SALE… Destination Surf is having their first ever warehouse sale this Sat, April 6th from 10am-4pm. 20%-40% Off Everything: Bags (day, travel, coffin), Longboard & SUP, Traction, Leashes, Accessories. 3210 Production Ave. #E, Oceanside, CA. 92058

5)    Want to see what it’s like to ride one of those monsters at Mavs…the LEFT no less? Check out Mark Healey with his GoPro.  Big and cold…yup…BIG AND COLD!

Tides for La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf) starting with April 6, 2013.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
Sa   6      Low   1:13 AM     1.1   6:30 AM    Rise  4:05 AM      21
     6     High   7:15 AM     4.8   7:13 PM     Set  3:56 PM
     6      Low   1:37 PM    -0.3
     6     High   8:01 PM     4.9
Su   7      Low   2:00 AM     0.5   6:29 AM    Rise  4:41 AM      13
     7     High   8:05 AM     4.9   7:14 PM     Set  4:57 PM
     7      Low   2:13 PM    -0.2
     7     High   8:32 PM     5.2
M    8      Low   2:41 AM     0.0   6:27 AM    Rise  5:16 AM      7
     8     High   8:49 AM     4.8   7:14 PM     Set  5:56 PM
     8      Low   2:46 PM     0.0
     8     High   9:02 PM     5.4
Tu   9      Low   3:19 AM    -0.3   6:26 AM    Rise  5:50 AM      2
     9     High   9:29 AM     4.6   7:15 PM     Set  6:55 PM
     9      Low   3:16 PM     0.3
     9     High   9:31 PM     5.5
W   10      Low   3:56 AM    -0.4   6:25 AM    Rise  6:26 AM      0
    10     High  10:08 AM     4.4   7:16 PM     Set  7:53 PM
    10      Low   3:45 PM     0.7
    10     High   9:59 PM     5.5

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